Here is a starting BuildAThing - Reprappers
PDBEAL is correct. I installed the Titan extruder on my Pursa. It took a bit of time to calibrate the steps of the stepper motor to get exactly what lenght of filament out I expected. I also had to do some work to get it to mount properly on my x carriage. I am very happy with the results I'm using a smaller Nema 17 that is much lighter than the original and it really prints nicely and more consiby BuildAThing - Reprappers to buy steper motorsby BuildAThing - Object repositories
I would suggest having adjustment limits. For instance you need to decide which corner is low or high and limit how far you will go to correct the level. You do not want to find your printer bed jammed at an angle because you had a positioning BuildAThing - Duet
Good idea Doug! If you buy the socket, make sure you get a good cord with a matching amp rating. Quotedougal1957 How about AC Mains switched Fused Socket good to 13 amps at least Dougby BuildAThing - Reprappers
I use a power strip with a lighted switch on it. I currently use two outlets for my printing needs. When I'm done, I shut everything off. The strips also can come with built in protection, fuses, lightning, or BuildAThing - Reprappers
The full graphic displays take a bit more power than the Arduino can provide. I had to add a separate 5 volt power supply to keep my Arduino running more than a few seconds with my display plugged BuildAThing - CoreXY Machines
You can heat the parts individually and use a feeler gauge to measure the Gap in different places on the bed. For instance heat the hot end only and measure the gap. Then let it cool and hit the bed only and measure the gap in multiple placesby BuildAThing - Delta Machines
Thanks again! Im in the US, specifically near St. Louis. My initial plan is to use BuildAThing - Delta Machines
Thanks guys! Actually I wanted to buy both the corners, and the linear extrusions. I am still looking for information about the quality of the Robotdigg linear extrusions. I may try AliExpress, thanks for the link tomasf! Markby BuildAThing - Delta Machines
Tomasf, Did you purchase your extrusions from Robotdigg also? Do you recommend them? I was thinking of building a Delta and yours look wonderful so far!by BuildAThing - Delta Machines
Thanks for the configuration file. M350 X16 Y16 Z32 E32 I1 ; Set 16x microstepping The "Z32" might need set to 16? Also, do your Z screws spin freely, as in not bound or too tight?by BuildAThing - Duet
I may not be able to help you but I would like to see your configuration files as I have a Prusa also. I have to Duet but I haven't got the files figured out just BuildAThing - Duet
The best thing to do is take your hot end apart, clean it, replace the liner(if it has one) and put a new nozzle on it. Then it will be like new, and you can eliminate that possibility. Hot ends are cheap to BuildAThing - Reprappers
On my printer, I was able adjust the output voltage of the power supply. My power supply has a screw on it to adjust the voltage. It is near the output terminals of the BuildAThing - Reprappers
stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout" : This message means the Arduino board is not responding. The problem could be the port setting or the board is not getting power BuildAThing - Reprappers
RodF, Your printer is really shaping up nicely! Would you share your design of the Duet mount/ housing? I have recently bought the latest Duet but I have not put mine in service yet and it would be nice to have a mount for it. Your design books about ideal for what I BuildAThing - CoreXY Machines
@Dc42 Perhaps try putting the board horizontal instead of vertical to maximize vertical movement. My second idea is to have just the 3 sensors mounted at the top and 1 board down below. That would make it even smaller where ever you mount BuildAThing - Delta Machines
QuoteAmoniak I really like your build Nosmo! Clean and nice looking. As I'm building this printer my self I'm definitely looking into your build of it as well. Would you consider to share how you secured the Titan extruder? And possibly an stl file of it? Here is one place to buy the Titanby BuildAThing - CoreXY Machines
Thank you for sharing! I am also going to look for the Google deltabot forum you mentioned!by BuildAThing - Delta Machines
Just an FYI, I have that the same touch screen for my Raspberry Pi, and clear screen came off in about two weeks. I had to hot glue around the edges where the clear screen attaches. It is normally held on by some kind of Glue but it is not very strong in my opinion. If you mout the display from the metal frame and don't put pressure on the lens you'll be okay. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with theby BuildAThing - Reprappers
Thanks for the quick response and information DjDemonD!by BuildAThing - Delta Machines
Interesting build! Can someone provide the link to magnetic arms on Aliexpress shown in the pictures above?by BuildAThing - Delta Machines
It looks very solid! I am interested to see how this turns out!by BuildAThing - Reprappers
Unplug the display and see if it prints ok. My display requires too much 5v power and I had to add a 5v BuildAThing - Reprappers
A quick glance at the data sheets, tells me that one chip is good for 1.2 amps (2100 chip). And the other chip is good for 4 amps. (2600 chip). This will determine the size of motor, and torque output you can have from your BuildAThing - Duet
Thanks Floyd, I may have some access to that spray and I will try that as BuildAThing - Printing
Thanks to everyone for the great suggestions! I end up going with the Super Lube since I found it on Amazon for five bucks and free shipping. It looks like it's kind of in between of all the suggestions and it says its high viscosity. For my threaded rods I'm probably going to use some light in the meantime. Thanks for all the inputby BuildAThing - Printing