Not greenman100 - Extruder, Hotends & verschiedene Materialien
Faster than any 3D printer on the market can consume greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
QuoteFrans@FranceHowever and if wrong I'm sure others will correct me, the auger is not about speed but about filament diameter consistency. It's rather easy to get the lyman (or any other filament extruder) to do 1kg/hour or faster just throw in a more powerful motor. That isn't true at all. Filastruder uses an off the shelf auger bit and users report +/ greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
You could make your own 5mm with a greenman100 - General
Quotetrist077 rang today and there not there so got ring tommorow but the womon on the phone said you should not have any problems connecting it Did you catch her name? Because she's greenman100 - General
Quotejavitopia Although the pt100 is more precise and have a wider temperature margin in the e3d page it clearly states that they are only compatible with makerbot electronics and that they would require additional electronics to plug it in a ramps. E3D's page states Ultimaker, not Makerbot. Makerbot uses a K-type greenman100 - General
Quotetrist077 bought from esd online and it said it would fit the v6 kit when bought with the new heatsink block Right, but it doesn't output a thermistor style greenman100 - General
Quotethetazzbot Don't trust assembled hot ends. You should re-assemble them following the official instructions. Clues: Like Riann said, but you need to heat the hot end up to properly assemble it because metal expands and will loosen. So heat it up, tighten the brass nozzle all the way in (official instructions say back it off 1 turn, but meh...) make sure the heat sink and the heat blockby greenman100 - Printing
Quotetrist077 ordered the new pt100 from esd online a lot more accurate than a thermistor so hopefully this will sort it though but now the thermister is unpluged from the board the displa is still showing 200 i unplugged the heatbed too that says 0 degrees You know that a PT100 can't be connected to a thermistor connection, right? Two different kinds of greenman100 - General
Quotefrankvdh Quotetrist077 just looked on youtube and there should be a small bolt and washer holding thermistor in guess what mine never had one but i guess that what you get for buying secand hand I have 2 Chinese hot ends, both claiming to be E3D V6. One has a small screw and PTFE washer to hold the thermistor in, the other doesn't. On the second one, the heater cartridge and thermistor wireby greenman100 - General
You have likely damaged the thermistor if you took it over greenman100 - Reprappers
As cdru said, IR is garbage for small metallic objects. I'm sure the thermistor is fine. Your delam is likely due to something like under extrusion, or poor quality filament. 290C is insanity for ABS. You're probably starting to offgas small amounts of HCN at that temperature. Where'd you buy the e3dv6 from? How long has it been since you emailed support? They have not been unresponsive in myby greenman100 - General
E3D Lite6 is $47 shipped to Canada from Filastruder, shipped via USPS so you shouldn't have import tax greenman100 - Wanted
I have had a few customers report successful PCL extrusion. They mentioned extruding at 85C. What temperature were you extruding at?by greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hard to say, I've only ever used a Filastruder. Did you try contacting the company?by greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
That nozzle doesn't look like a Filastruder nozzle. Is this actually a Filastruder? Bubbles means you are extruding too hot (likely) or haven't pre dried your filament (also very likely).by greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
As far as a Filastruder: - ( in some cases users ( - ( - ( - ( greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I cited the threads to show you that it is possible to just turn on the extruder and have good diameter. With a properly designed filament extruder, you do not need a width sensor or other greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
You absolutely need the PTFE, and it is still an all metal hotend. The PTFE does not extend into the heated zone. If the bulldog itself will hold down the PTFE, then there is no need for the black greenman100 - General
Good tolerances are no problem, at least with a Filastruder. - ( in some cases users ( - ( - ( - (http://www.solifoby greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
USPS will pick up from your house, you can print shipping labels greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
What are they made out of? Wouldn't it be cheaper to sell the models and buy raw pellets at $4/lb?by greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Like CraigRK said, the risk of electrocution comes from the fact that the Instructables design uses a high voltage band heater. The Filastruder design uses a custom low voltage (12v) heater. Also like Craig said, the risk of thermal decomposition comes from the fact that the Instructables design uses a 200 watt heater. This will easily get over 500C in my experience if there is a short circuit oby greenman100 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Now through Sunday night, take 10% off all E3Dv6 hotends at Filastruder: with coupon code "Nice2MeetU". Enjoy!by greenman100 - For Sale
Quote3ntrlab Quotegreenman100 Typical 1.75mm extruders push with 10-20N of force. That is distributed over 2.4sqmm, or 0.024sqcm. 15/.024 = 62.5 bar. Of course 15N is just a general average based on Airtripper's measurements, so 150 bar is not out of the question. Pressure is applied all around in the melting chamber, not only as a frontal section....average 3mm nozzles are about 120-150 sq.mby greenman100 - Safety & Best Practices