How did you make your probe points? I'm just electro-eroding wire with salt water and batteries. Works fine. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Tech-Talk
I've looked at a system using sheets of chip substrate mask. Worked quite well and I considered using it for RepRapMicron. However, the materials and preparation were too much for the average RepRap maker, expensive, and hard to get hold of. Also, one development advantage of the probe approach is that you have the basis for a tool that can pick and place. It's all very well making micron-sizedby VikOlliver - Tech-Talk
I plan on going down to the micron level. Everyone wants to use lasers but they're not easy to get in many countries and don't work well once you get down to the micron level. I'm hoping my hardware will scale down even smaller eventually, heading for the nanometre. That's going to be a world of fun because at that scale air molecules are charging around like cannonballs!by VikOlliver - Tech-Talk
The project has recently woken up with the μRepRap (RepRapMicron). The idea being to make tiny things with micron or sub-micron resolution. Ultimately, this includes very tiny RepRaps. Progress on Vik ;v)by VikOlliver - Tech-Talk
Hello! Many thanks. Hopefully I'll learn a few things Vik :v)by VikOlliver - India - RepRap Usergroup
¿Ha cambiado la "baud rate"? Vik ;v)by VikOlliver - Elettronica e meccanica
Captcha-type tests are not very useful as AI's can solve them better than humans: Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Administration, Announcements, Policy
I tried compiling FabScan - boy does it need a lot of supporting files and memory. Unfortunately I never managed to get it to recognise the installed PCL library. I hear there is a bootable DVD available, which I'll try when I get some more VikOlliver - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
Link not VikOlliver - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics
I can still reproduce this bug by adding an STL file with a hole in. I believe it;' the error pop-up rather than the hole per se causing the VikOlliver - Slic3r
The spam has got out of hand. It's no longer a "two minute job" to be a sysadmin because it takes about half an hour, morning and evening, to delete the spam. I simply do not have the spare time for that. Everything else I'm cool with, even solving user disputes in the forums. I use the wiki, I want to continue using it. But some changes need to be made to block spam because it it making the forby VikOlliver - General
I use a couple of zip ties as the axle for the idler block. This keeps the idler block under compression, making it less likely to split, and combined with 2 spring-washer/washer pairs on each of the tensioning screws eliminates the need for tricksy little springses. You need to work it a bit, and then take out the slack though. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - General
Well, if you're really keen, there are a lot of things that could go wrong. You might try changing the pololu board out, or the stepper itself. But my personal suspicion is that this mucking around just increases the likelihood of you breaking something important in the process. I would recommend just keeping it in mind, and continuing on an empirical basis until something more interesting showsby VikOlliver - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I did a deal for one customer where I gave him about 5 random colours in a kilo for NZ$43 by cleaning out our samples rack, no uselessly short lengths. Would a similar offer help you acquire a range of colours in the quantity you need? Vik :v)by VikOlliver - New Zealand RepRap User Group
Heh, I'm about to add the electronics to my no-belts cantilever "Simpleton" design. Very definitely non-standard in every way except the ones that count Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
I'm experimenting with an asymetric cantilever at the moment, and developing a screw-driven variant first, belt version to follow. Just to be different Actually, there are a lot of people for whom finding matching belt & pulleys goes in the "too hard" pile, so I hope to get them started reprapping. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
If I might suggest joining a local Makerspace/Hackerspace? They tend to be very understanding towards people of limited income as long as they play fair. It might be possible to salvage the majority of parts for a 3D printer, and beg/borrow the others. You may not end up with the latest or best gear, but once you have a 3D printer you can make a better 3D printer. Samberr, if you need some filamby VikOlliver - General
OK, folks. time out. Deep breath. It's OK to beg for parts here, it's the "Wanted" forum after all. For what it's worth, it is often the case that someone who receives donated parts then spreads the goodness and gives free parts to others. Some don't even get as far as finishing their build, but the world is not VikOlliver - Wanted
I don't mean to be rude, but in the Open Source world saying "You project will only work if..." or "I'd use your software but..." generally gets ignored. People who actually care will say "how do I change the program to..." or "is anybody working on..." Again, no offence intended. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
Um, I'm redesigning the entire machine.... Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
Or you could just make the VORBAT use the analogue version of paper tape - cams. I had a 2D cam system going for hardware testing before we wrote the control software. Copying cams should be relatively simple too. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
Thanks Traumflug! I still use the Afghan Lathe to produce extruder barrels and nozzles, though I now have a cheap but sturdy Chinese drill press to hold the drill in. This is mostly because my workshop is on the second floor of the house and if the girls are inside I have to do the noisy work outside. The drill press is more portable. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
Mixing viscous liquids is tricky, hence the idea of only putting the colour where it is needed. Might have to play with unicorn pens. In theory you could see what this looks like by following your printout around with a sharpie But it allows a relatively simplistic build, which I like. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
So, how is this better than Thingiverse again? Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
It occurred to me that we could colour the plastic after a layer has been deposited. Either use a "Unicorn"-type pen holder to colour the surface/edges of an object, or a whole inkjet head to spray on a layer of colour from above. Add another translucent layer of plastic and re-colour. Rinse, repeat. Any takers? Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
Crappy title and not well thought out. If we made the thing from bamboo and tin cans it would have a bigger future because it would be more easily replicated by poor people. Putting RepRaps in areas with limited resources is a Good Idea because those people are going to be more focused on what they have and will innovate out of necessity. This is not about toys for rich, white guys. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - Developers
Personally I think most RepRaps these days are headed in the wrong direction. There are too many oif the old mechanical paradigms hanging around. Why so many nuts and bolts, for example? Why has nobody else even just replaced them with cheap woodscrews? While using minimal plastic to make kits cheaply has its benefits, the cost is then pushed on to the buyer in other ways. The buyer then has toby VikOlliver - Developers
Dunno if you could update that list to mention that Diamond Age are now supplying model helicopter drive belts with free gears?by VikOlliver - New Zealand RepRap User Group
I've got a preliminary pricing of NZ$55 for the parts of either a Wade or direct-drive excluding the motor, awaiting clamp and tape seals (a bit more if you want me to hob a Wade drive shaft for you). They're made by me on the workbench with hand tools, so they're not always things of beauty I'm not making any profit at that price though - mostly I do it so I can sell more people filament! Vikby VikOlliver - New Zealand RepRap User Group
A friend is doing a bunch of 38mm x M6 3mm i/d brass heater barrels for my DIY heater making empire. I'm happy to flog a few on to enthusiasts These are the same ones I wrap in nichrome and fire cement for my versions of the Wade and direct-driver extruders. Vik :v)by VikOlliver - New Zealand RepRap User Group