Are there any DIY nuts out there still interested in taking on crazy new futuristic machine projects for makers? If so, I invite you to follow my little SAK-Bot project. It might just inspire you to start tinkering like crazy again. By liking, sharing, and following the SAK-Bot project, you're not only supporting the creation of a unique machine but also encouraging the spirit of creativity andby Alvon3DprinTor - General New Machines Topics
the project is making good progress this little video is blowing up the counters on tiktok and instagram, even though everything was there before. people only believe when they see everything pretty and done, it's crazy. 45deg infinite printing module of the GA3D project I'll soon have finished documenting the construction of the basic machine for those who are interested, and all the info wilby Alvon3DprinTor - General
Yes, thank you Victor for being one of the guardians of the temple :-)! this forum and the reprap wiki are invaluable. getting back to the sockets, those ZIFs are cool, but they're really expensive!by Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hi Mike, great project! I also haven't yet found a real open standard on this subject. I don't think anyone has replied to you because this forum has been a bit deserted by users who have been siphoned off by social networks + reddit, discord, etc... which increases the effort of online presence tenfold. I always feel like I'm wandering around a magnificent immense abandoned palace with its aby Alvon3DprinTor - General
@VDX, Yes exactly, thank you for the answer it is just an additional module to make a belt printer, without blocking the machine for the eternity in this particular configuration. you need it => you place the module on the machine and switch in beltprinting modus. you are finished with your fabric, chain, rail, sword, or arrow etc... , => just remove your module and come back to the noby Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hello everybody, and here is a little 45deg infinite printing module with my GA3D Project : It should help me to print profile and rail in the Alvon3DprinTor - General
I'm also slowly but carefully improving the design of my multi-use machine : I hope it will inspire you tooby Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hi everybody, is there anybody interested in a smart low-cost filament changer at the moment ? I propose an opensource way of doing it "for the poor people like me not buying a "bamboo"... it still needs development to be 100% efficient what do you think about it ? has somebody already tried something similar ? GA3D smart loading/unloading filament - Youtube shortby Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hello to all, I just wanted to present also my little project GA3D M2 in the CoreXY section. Yes it is a CoreXY, but a crossed CoreXY. I have upgraded to version 2 of the machine, these features are : - Crossed CoreXY kinematics - MGN12H ball rails - small and handy manual tool changer - mixed electronics with Ramp1.4 and Raspberry pi, connectors always accessible for easy configuration chanby Alvon3DprinTor - CoreXY Machines
Hello to all, I just wanted to report the progress of my little project. I have upgraded to version 2 of the machine, these features are : - Crossed CoreXY kinematics - MGN12H ball rails - small and handy manual tool changer - mixed electronics with Ramp1.4 and Raspberry pi, connectors always accessible for easy configuration change I am now very satisfied with its operation. The next months,by Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hi everybody, I'm trying to make a 45° extension module to make little infinite printing just when I need it. see : Youtube Short : Marlin 2.1.x M808 loop I've a few problems to understand exactly what is happening with the M808 loop when it works, and when not This example works : G92 X0 Z0 Y0 E0 ; set start position to 0 0 0 Reset Extruder M140 S0 M105 M190 S0 M104 S0 M105 M109 S0by Alvon3DprinTor - Firmware - Marlin
@rq3 Yes you are right traction does not exactly equal compression. But in my case, If I push or I pull the filament, I have only one "knife" stuck in the filament, if the effort is enough to start the cutting process : I cut the filament instead of pushing it. with my design I must add more blades to elevate the effort needed to start the cutting the process. I could do a kind of tube with mby Alvon3DprinTor - Tech-Talk
Hi everybody, Before that I go further in my project version of the kind of extruder I've done a quick pulling test, to check the capacity of my design : Youtube - Pulling test Rolling Thread Extruder I want to cry, only a little load on the filament is already making a lot of problems. the filament can be cutted, or twisted, it does not matter indeed, it is just not going Alvon3DprinTor - Tech-Talk
Hi everybody, I'm trying to make a 45° extension module to make little infinite printing just when I need it. see : Youtube Short : 45°deg M808 test I've a few problems to understand exactly what is happening with the M808 loop when it works, and when not This example works : G92 X0 Z0 Y0 E0 ; set start position to 0 0 0 Reset Extruder M140 S0 M105 M190 S0 M104 S0 M105 M109 S0by Alvon3DprinTor - Developers
Hi arsi, Hum I've still a lot of job to get a fully usable extruder, but until now, with the tests I 've done, the cutting bearing makes a beautiful continuous thread mark, it is is very regular (visually seems to at least). Which pressure do you mean instead, the pressure in between the wheels or the pressure to go through the heat block ? in my opinion, If it is to go through the heat block iby Alvon3DprinTor - Tech-Talk
Hi rq3, thank you for your advice. unfortunately I've not yet something new to show, I'm doing too many things at the same time (this is a sickness in my case) 1) for the symmetry of the knife, I also had this fear, but it seem to be ok til now there is less grip in reverse mode in my case, but enough to pull out the filament, and more pressure in forward direction. 2) for the rotation of theby Alvon3DprinTor - Tech-Talk
Hi everybody, I just wanted to show you the quick protoype that I did this week : it is a first quick and dirty test. I did it with only One Bearing, and a half-cutted PTFE-tube as counterpart. You can find more details in this youtube shorts : Youtube Shorts - Rolling Thread Extruder what do you think about it ? to get an usable extruder I think I still need to secure the pressure on theby Alvon3DprinTor - Tech-Talk
@rq3 I really love this extruder concept ! : it is a real disruptive innovation. I have also used this concept of thread without thread (with an inclined bearing) on a measurement microscope crossed table. it is just to move precisely the axis when you turn it and you can fast pull the axis if you want it because the bearing glides on the axis . It is simple and works very well. With your knby Alvon3DprinTor - Tech-Talk
Thank a lot for your comments Concerning FreeCAD it is since 3 years my exclusive CAD for job and personal sideprojects. I've used in the past CATIA v5 and Solidworks, but with FreeCAD I can do the same, even better (now that I know how to use it). Concerning the concept of the machine I absolutely wanted to have a full 3 axis printing head to be able to add optional module on the bed, like thby Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hi everybody, here is a short summary video showing the evolution of my project these last 6 monthes for the interested : Youtube Short - summary 1/2 year GA3D M1 project At the moment I'm very happy with the concept of crossed CoreXY geometry. Of course there are still a lot of improvement points. I have a lot of things to create from this basis this coming fall : 45° printing module, lathby Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hi Nikki, in theory octoprint can run on many types of hardware : I've never tried, I imagine it is not so easy to config and to make it fully operational A good alternative seems to be to be octo4a, it is done to run on an android tablet, old smartphone. This could be a smart recycling way for an oby Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hi andymidtf, Excellent ! your robot has exactly the same cinematic than my reprap ! concerning the rigidity I'm quite happy with my core bloc, it is very stiff. After a few tests, the point to improve is still the Z carriage. You can see how it works in this short video Youtube GA3D M1 - prototype 0.2by Alvon3DprinTor - Developers
Hi all, I had started a topic in the developer section, but, unfortunately there is few interactions, so I remount the topic in the general forum. CoreXY crossed concept here under are my last developments : unfortunately I'm unable to load a little video of the machine in movement, have a look to my insta account to see it in move. I hope you'll find it Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hi all, here under are my last developments : unfortunately I'm unable to load a little video of the machine in movement, have a look to my insta account to see it in Alvon3DprinTor - Developers
Hi Viktor, ha ok thanks a lot for the tip, it should already help. Otherwise it is just like being lost in an infinite library and sometimes you see somebody on the bridge across the street but cannot get in touch. ADG AKA GA3D_tech ------ ------ ------by Alvon3DprinTor - General
Hi all, I've a little question concerning the use of this forum : is there anyway to filter all the posts/threads to see them sorted by recency / recent activities ? understand me well, this forum is an excellent source of knowledge, all the category are interesting, but there are many threads that don't have any activities since a long time, so in that case you only read, and speak in the vacby Alvon3DprinTor - General
nice ! rails everywhere, double extruder, very curious to see in your next post, what you get with your monster ADG AKA GA3D_tech ------ ------ ------by Alvon3DprinTor - Look what I made!
Hi all, you can follow last updates of my projects, on my Insta channel : Thank you in advance for your feedbacksby Alvon3DprinTor - Developers
Hello, You'll find here under possible design of the Crossed CoreXY cinematic, Tell me please which is the more inspiring for you ?????? == '''Possible Application Designs''' == The aim of the project is to make a modular element, that can be easily integrated in many design. One particularity is that this design allow intrinsically a double functionnality, that is very advantageous. Theby Alvon3DprinTor - Developers
Good evening, who says nothing agrees :-) : this cinematic will be called : the " Cartesian CoreXY Crossed" I did a first proto, you can see its first move there : Cartesion CoreXY Crossed first moveby Alvon3DprinTor - Developers