Hi Aserbo, My controller is behaving funny again. In case you are still willing to part with your controller, Id like to figure out arrangements to facilitate this. Would you like to put a price for this exchange? If so, please reply so as to figure out how we can do this. Thanks.by saif - Reprappers
Hi Aserbo, Wow that is very kind of you. I may or my not need the controller just yet. Although I will hold on to that offer If I ever need it replaced and not have the patience to convert to opensource, i will ask for it. Please don't give it to anybody else until that? Thanks a ton!by saif - Reprappers
Hey aserbo, After much deliberation and troubleshooting, my machine finally rebooted. Although it does keep jumping into bootloader mode on its own. For now I am going to put the conversion on hold. But if you wish to go about doing it, there is an openbfb support google group. Some very helpful people out there. If you havent already stumbled upon it, the link is as below.by saif - Reprappers
Hi, Thanks. This is very reasonable. I also found some other sites where its way cheaper. I also recieved a mail from the motor company. The larger motor is @ 3.15v, 2.1 amp. And the smaller are @ 2.7v and 1.68 amp.by saif - Reprappers
Thanks, You mean to say even if I was to do this conversion to duet, would it be possible to guide me to carry out these operations on remote instructions? Thing is, i havent come across anyone who has done this with an identical machine. If there was, I would blindly follow, as you see I have no knowledge about electronics. Cost is also a factor, because here in India, I would get a decent 3dby saif - Reprappers
Hello, I know this may be a bit weird. Me trying to contact you in English, on an Italian forum. I have seen your conversion of a bfb 3000 into open source using Rumba board. I need to carry out this conversion with my bfb 3000 dual extruder. I have no knowledge of electronics and firmware. Is it possible for me to contact you in some way? I have left a comment in your youtube video. Been on yoby saif - Discussioni generali - NO PROBLEMI DELLA STAMPANTE
Okay. I thought that was the type of motor used(duh). It seems the motors were made by motion control products uk. Z-axis motor looks like the nema 23: The rest of the 5 motors (1nos. - Xaxis, 2nos.- Yaxis, 2nos. - 2 extruders) are identical. Maybe nema 17: I am also considering using the Rumba controller since its more compact and easier to connect wires without soldering. I am afraid, duby saif - Reprappers
The BFB 3000 dual has 6 motors in total. 1 for Xaxis, 2 for Yaxis, 1 for Zaxis( rather bigger than the rest) and 2 for 2 extruders. Will the ultimaker 1.5.7 board be able to support these. Am wondering especially about the bigger Z axis motor.by saif - Reprappers
Thanks dc42! Thermistor : 204 GT - 200k Power supply : +12v at 60 watt ( although my adapter has always been set at 15v from the begining) Stepper motors : Allegro A3979 I have read a blog where the person has converted a rapman 3.1 using ultimaker1 board and marlin firmware. Rapman 3.1 and bfb 3000 share the same firmware. They are not much different. But his was a single extruder and mine isby saif - Reprappers
Hi all, Since my last post didn't receive any replies and all my trial and error to locate the source of the problem drew a blank, i am considering replacing the electronics of my BFB 3000 DUAL extruder. Is there anyone who has successfully done this? If so, is it possible to guide me in a step by step detailed format so I can carry out this conversion? I have recieved a lot of help from the opby saif - Reprappers
Hi all, I have an old BFB 3000 dual extruder. It was working exceptionally well until today. Last I used it was about 6 months ago. Since then it has been covered well. Today when I started it, the screen is continuously stuck on USB bootloader v 3 mode. 1. I have tried to switch it on/off several times. ( this used to work in a single attempt when it has happened in the past). 2. I updated the fby saif - General
Hi all, I have an old BFB 3000 dual extruder. It was working exceptionally well until today. Last I used it was about 6 months ago. Since then it has been covered well. Today when I started it, the screen is continuously stuck on USB bootloader v 3 mode. 1. I have tried to switch it on/off several times. ( this used to work in a single attempt when it has happened in the past). 2. I updated the fby saif - Developers