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Since this is somewhat related to the topic of buying a first time kit, I was hoping someone could help.
A few weeks ago I was on a site that offered full Mendel kits, you could choose upgrades, different coloured printed parts, upgrades to the electronics etc....but I can't for the life of me remember what site it was LOL. Any ideas?
Found it, please disregard. It was MakerFarm
Ok, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be starting on this whole crazy DIY printer journey in a month or so and I'm considering starting here...
If I so chose, could I get just the hardware kit listed and then order a parts kit off eBay, something like this?
I ask because the full kit and the hardware kit from reprappro are different by 125.00 and the part kits don't seem to be anywhere near t
General Mendel Topics
Hello and greetings,
I'm new to the Edmonton area and am really wanting to start my own 3D printer project but life will prevent that happening for a few months lol. Would definitely be interested in keeping in touch or someway I can keep tabs on your progress. I'll be slowly setting up my work space and getting tools etc together but I think watching someone go through this process would be pr
Canada, Edmonton RepRap User Group
hey, very happy to see this thread. I'll be moving soon, setting up a home workbench with the goal of having a prusa and shapeoko by the end of the year. Looking forward to learning more on these forums.