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I was wondering if this was still in the works. My first machine is completely built now, and I'm navigating the dense Python forest to get software up and running. It would be great to see first hand how someone else has their system set up, and share insights from my build with anyone still in the process.
Canada, Toronto RepRap User Group
I'm also pretty open about what we might do at a meet-up. I'm mid-way into building my first machine right now. I'm waiting for some pulleys and belts to arrive from the states, as I had some problems with the x and y axis pulleys that came with my set of printed parts off ebay. I haven't even started on the electronics yet. Any sort of exposure I get to other folks' builds will be a good thi
Canada, Toronto RepRap User Group
I hadn't seen any activity for a couple days, so I went ahead and ebay'd some parts to get me going. I probably should have come back and updated the thread, but I forgot to check on it again until tonight. Thanks for piping up, though.
I will be looking for info on that meeting, and I'll definitely be showing up.
Canada, Toronto RepRap User Group
Hello, folks. I'm a newcomer to the forums, and looking to build my first Prusa machine. I'm planning to pick up hardware, motors, etc from a local shop in Toronto in the next couple of days and starting the build as soon as I can get my hands on the RP parts. I see others have posted with a similar request before, so I was hoping someone might have a set of RP parts available locally that I c
Canada, Toronto RepRap User Group
Like emjay above, I registered an account this morning just so I could reply to this. If this meeting it still a possibility, I like to state my interest, as well. Friday or weekends makes no real difference to me, and 7pm is a good meet time. I've just started researching reprap machines in earnest in the last few days, and will start collecting parts for one this coming week.
With luck, I'l
Canada, Toronto RepRap User Group