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Tinggi model: 12 cm, material: PLA 1,75mm, terima kasih atas perhatiannya.
Post processingnya bagus, rapih. Pakai cat apa mas Heri?
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Udah lama gak "SHOW OFF" hehehehe....
Makin SEPI aja...
Duh hanya sebesar jempol. Pake nozzle berapa Bro?
Indonesia RepRap User Group
masih ane petunjuk gan please,, ni grub apaaa ??? masih blom udengg .. takut salah kamar ...
Maaf, kemaren lama absen dari 3d print termasuk forum.
Grub screw yang ditanyakan? grub screw atau set screw, walau namanya screw tapi sebetulnya itu baut (bukan sekrup), baut yang tidak ada kepalanya. Biasa dipake untuk mengencangkan gear atau pinion ke dalam sumbu motor.
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Halo semuanya, saya baru dalam hal 3d printer. Saya punya 3d printer hasil buatan saya sendiri berdasarkan tutorial dari youtube. Lalu saya mencoba untuk print 3d model dari hasil sy download di thingiverse, trs saya setting 3d modelnya pada simplify3d. Semuanya sdh saya setting normal dan seharusnya bisa jadi sesuai file 3d model yang ingin di print, tetapi hasilnya itu kurang ses
Indonesia RepRap User Group
halo agan2, saya nubi nih mau tanya, sy ada printer aurora z605, supaya hasil print bagus triknya apa aja ya? sy udah ikutin tips diatas tp hasilnya sama aja
oiya, rencana sy mau ganti extruder, katanya kalo diganti bisa jadi lebih bagus itu bener gak? terus gantinya pake tipe yang apa ya?
memannya hasil print sekarang seperti apa?
Indonesia RepRap User Group
hi bro,, salam hangat.. saya dulu pernah masuk grup wa reprap indo, pas awal awal 3dp indonesia aktip.. ini saya mau gabung grup lagi apa masih ada? saya ingat dulu join di invit oleh bro agung dan bro herman waktu 2013.. kebetulan habis ada musibah dan kesibukan kerjaan, komunikasi grup terputus.. dan saya ingin join lagi kalau berkenan.. saya sempat diberi kontak wa dari faceboo
Indonesia RepRap User Group
waduh kyknya telat ane nih,
orang2 udah pada ke bulan ane baru mau pake sendal.
biar lah walaupun telat yg penting bisa nyipin perkedel sama sayur asem nya.
salam kenal dari condet agan2 semua.
lg bingung mulainya dari mana mau buat 3d.
mungkin ada suhu yg mau kasih pentunjuk buat saya yg masih nubie.
Mulai membaca dan tulis keperluan2 part untuk bikin 3d printer.
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Mau share hasil eksperimen saya. Dapat informasi dari agan medelis dari thingiverse sama youtube. Untuk lapisan bed-nya memakai bahan dari jeans. Dia ngeklaim untuk bahan pla dan abs bisa tanpa heating bed.
Untuk sementara saya baru eksperimen bahan pla pake bekas celana jeans yang saya rekatkan dengan double tape. Udah puluhan kali printing, daya rekat masih tetap tanpa lem ataup
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Hi Kevin,
I tested the pressure.advance feature. It was jittering a lot, especially on beginning of print. There were in many ocassions during print. I think or guess it happens on low speed printing.
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Hi Kevin,
Glad to hear new features, would love to test it again.
One question: is there a way to limit the 'power' of the bed heater? My current setup for bed is 12V and using 24V so my config limit the current to say 1/4 of pull power (255).
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Hi Numericas,
That is one possibility, yet to be tested and few others I need to test.
Regarding your issue, I can only comment on #2 :
You need to use M116 after heating the temp with M104.
That will wait for temp to achieve. But It does not work when coming move is homing. Not sure if that is by designed or a problem.
Correct, M107 is not recognized, so M106 S0 shall work.
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
So, how did you go, finished and printing now?
I print another object and got another issue: layer shift on X. I thought it was due to insufficient motor current, so adjusted the driver trimpot a bit higher. But my second print also got the same shift at the same layer. I printed with klipper and successful.
Picture attached:
Could be this similar issue or another one in the dda_queue?
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thanks for testing. This is an experimental branch and needs testing. Can I ask you later to test this again?
No problem, I will be happy to test again. I like Teacup.
I tested the dda_queue_fix branch ( and now give a perfect result.
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thanks for testing!
I can't see the blobs in the picture, but if you're seeing more blobs at sharp edges on klipper (vs other firmwares) then I suspect it's due to the cornering algorithm. Klipper uses a cornering algorithm based on "centripetal acceleration" - the same algorithm used in GRBL and Smoothieware. The original author's description of it is pretty detailed. In co
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
After got several fixes I finally managed to print my fave test: Swan with Klipper using my Prusa Steel. Overall looks pretty good, some small blobs at sharp edges but not all layers which I did not get using other firmware (the same gcode). One other thing: I noticed high pitch humming during extruder heating toward end of target temp and few occasions during print.
I will post th
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
After got several fixes I finally managed to print my fave test: Swan with Klipper using my Prusa Steel. Overall looks pretty good, some small blobs at sharp edges but not all layers which I did not get using other firmware (the same gcode). One other thing: I noticed high pitch humming during extruder heating toward end of target temp and few occasions during print.
I will post the print pictur
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
stop kontak printer sama laptop saya lewatkan voltage regulator. ketika saya menyalakan kipas angin atau pompa air atau mesin cuci proses ngeprint tiba-tiba berhenti, tidak bergerak sama sekali. karena setting temperatur masih tinggi akhirnya filament tetap keluar sehingga merusak hasil print. barangkali para reprapper disini ada yang pernah mengalami hal yang sama tolongin saya gi
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Untuk warga bandung didukung sama walikota kasohor ridwan kamil
Bisa cari info daftar mulai dari sini
Ah...enggak juga tuh
Wah bro Aria nongol, lama pisaan.
Saya sekarng Bandung coret, ... Jatinangor (masuk Kab. Sumedang sebetulnya).
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Thanks for testing. This is an experimental branch and needs testing. Can I ask you later to test this again?
No problem, I will be happy to test again. I like Teacup.
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
First of all, thanks for helping to improve Teacup.
In your config files you set the maximum feedrate to 6000. So your 180mm/s will decrease to 100mm/s any time.
As you are working with git. Can you please create a new local branch with
git checkout -b zungmann_1 experimental~37
and test your code again?
Ah stupid me. Anyway I got decent 150 mm/s since now changed
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
First of all, thanks for helping to improve Teacup.
In your config files you set the maximum feedrate to 6000. So your 180mm/s will decrease to 100mm/s any time.
As you are working with git. Can you please create a new local branch with
git checkout -b zungmann_1 experimental~37
and test your code again?
Ah stupid me. Anyway I got decent 150 mm/s since now changed it to 9000.
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
OK, just checked your config.
An Atmega can handle up to approx. 35k to 40k steps/s. Your E-Axis has 1,1540,000 steps/m. Your setup in S3D is 1,800 mm/min. This are 34,620 steps/s. Maybe too close on the limit. Also you could reduce max feedrate for E from 6000, which is too high, to a save 1500.
The old code uses the X-axis for a lot of calculations. This changed in the experie
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Can you send me your config files and gcode. I would like to test it.
First thing I've seen. You enabled debug. This could slow down the code. For normal use, you should disable debug in debug.h. Just comment out #define DEBUG.
Yes, debug enabled in the experimental. Does it still have an impact when debug level set to zero (M111 S0) ?
The gcode is big, even when compressed still
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Hi All,
I just tried Teacup's experimental branch. Particularly wanted to try the LOOKAHEAD where STEPS_PER_M of X different dan that of Y because my printer has slight different steps/mm for X and Y (X>Y). The result is:
The print is 'beautifully' skewed left-right along X axis.
I am not sure what had happened. My observations during printing:
- occasionally head slowing down/crawling duri
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thanks. Manually restarting the microcontroller works and helps alot since whenever hit an 'unhandled communication error' in the OctoPrint, the connection to the host is terminated. Reconnect does not help, the problem remains there until restarting the microcontroller and restart the klippy host. I find this quite annoying.
You can instruct OctoPrint to not disc
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Thanks. Manually restarting the microcontroller works and helps alot since whenever hit an 'unhandled communication error' in the OctoPrint, the connection to the host is terminated. Reconnect does not help, the problem remains there until restarting the microcontroller and restart the klippy host. I find this quite annoying.
Now I am stuck with error when homing the Z. It just run like 10th of
Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
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