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Buat ndiri aja spt yg on dida inpokan.
Cuman modal 2500 ribu buat beli baut nya aja
Hasil buat ndiri terlampir
Mudah2an bisa membantu
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Mantabs bro ... Semangat !!!
Kalau saya liat y nya cuma pake 2 bearing aja yah ?
Dengan y nya cuma pake 2 bearing aja apa gak woble n bisa imbang ?
Indonesia RepRap User Group
zungmann, kamsiah kamsiah untuk offernya . Insya Allah nanti kepake dan berhasil baik. Doain ya.
Soal biaya frame masih belum fix, nanti kalau sudah jelas pasti saya beritahu, tapi tentu saja tidak termasuk biaya las (jasanya gratis sih, paling kopi, rokok ama kripik ).
Mas Herman, tenk yu untuk tawarannya . Saya tambah yakin kalo kita ini memang gotong royongnya masih pada bagus
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Coba bantu,
Redirect ke analog yang lain coba pinya.
Pin ramps kan bejibun tuh
Mudah mudahan bisa membantu
Indonesia RepRap User Group
that's what exactly happened to me with my x axis mendel. I just realist this problem occurs while printing the tall parts. 5 hour spending time in from of pc and read some people posting still unsure what is the real problem caused this.
might be a marlin / firmware incorrect setting / value, or the malfunction of the hardware can caused this.
I have tried many kind of solution listed, trim a
after read in other post that mention to put a thin coat of a glue stick brand UHU, I am try to print dirrect to my heatbed covered with kapton tape, BUT with bed not powered on (no heat at all at the bed, only room temperature) and the result is's stick very well in the kapton tape.
To relase the printed nyilon from the bed is another story, since it's quite hard to peal off (even wit