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Thank's ceviar sorry, I just had time to reply to a message. The problem has been resolved. The reason I use the extruder made in china, no thermistor in extruder. So pronterface not detect the temperature and the voltage at the D10 does not want to pull out the power to the heater. Thank's
RAMPS Electronics
Sorry mas zungmann baru bisa reply. problem sudah solve. Gara2 nya menggunakan extruder dari china. saya buka ternyata tidah ada thermistornya, makanya suhu tidak terdetek dan hot end ga mau nyala. Thanks mas zungmann
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Hello all, I was working Mendel prusa i3 with RAMPS 1.4 with sprinter firmware and Switching power supply 12 V 29A.
I have a problem with heat extruder (D10) and heat bed (D8).
I was pressing the heat and bed sets abs (230 C) on pronterface, then I measure the D10 and D8 no voltage (0V) LED 4 and LED 2 is lit. I measure in R13 there is no voltage (0V). Someone can help me about this problem? Tha
RAMPS Electronics
Siang para reprapers ane lg build mendel prusa pake RAMPS 1.4. Waktu saya set suhu di pronterface kok ga mau panas ya?
Dan saya sudah check tegangan di D10 0V. Mohon bantuannya dari para suhu. Thanks
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Tengkyu mas bro infonya. Saya electronicnya pke RAMPS 1.4 aja soalnya belom jago utak2 atik micro programnya.
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Sore mas bro, mau nanya nih Electronicnya 3D printer itu beli atau bikin sendiri ya? Kalau beli dimana ya? Kalau bikin sendiri ada yg bisa bikin elktroniknya ga ya? mohon infonya thaks
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Pagi mas bro, mau nanya nih. kalau motor stepper yg tipe hybrid bisa dipakai di 3d printer g? thx
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Thx suhu bro zungman atas info n sarannya. yg itu bagus n sangat simple. Pengennya sih bikin sendiri sma lum nemu NEMA14nya. Wktu googling yg jual luar ngri smua, harus import? ane lom pernah impor soalnya.. N nyari motor steppernya di toko lokal. ada yg jual g di lokal?
Indonesia RepRap User Group
Permisi semuanya. Perkenalkan nama saya Gito. Saya baru di forum ini. Ada tw yang jual extruder ga ya? mohon infonya dari para suhu thx. ane mau nyoba bikin 3d printer.
Indonesia RepRap User Group