... hi folks, i sort of invented a self-assembling-mechanism for macroscopic joint-structures and flexure hinges, as known in flex-joint parallel kinematics. In the image below you can see a tripod-sample with this joints, i 'assembled on the fly' in two minutes - if i set it on three linear drives, then the fully functionable tripod-system for reprap-dispensing or micro-tooling is ready Theby VDX - Mechanics
... here i have a link (site in german) to a stirling-engine made of sheets of paper, aluminium and membranes: ... here the video of the paper-stirling on a hot coffee-pot: (it runs on ice-blocks too) ... and here the manual and technical description in english: So you can adapt and print the parts and assemble them to a running engine ... Ciao, Viktorby VDX - General
... maybe it's interesting, to use direct linear drives for X, Y and Z instead of gears and belts? At www.nanotec.de i found some with an step-resolution and accuracy of 1 micron (or a bit coarser and cheaper) - Low-cost-linear steppers (25 or 40 microns resolution) are at nearly 30by VDX - Mechanics
... i had very good experiences with stepper-motors and motor-controllers from Nanotec (www.nanotec.de) The microstep-controlers costs 30by VDX - Controllers
... as i posted in 'Mechanics': *** ... what about a 'lego-like' pick'n-place-approach? I imagine a vacuum-dispenser, which grabs very small pre-fabbed bricks or balls from a support and places them on the right place ... This 'bricks' could come from a sort of magazine, or from a conveyr-belt, on whom a fixed dispenser places single dropplets in the right size ... Maybe instead of simple droby VDX - General
... what about a 'lego-like' pick'n-place-approach? I imagine a vacuum-dispenser, which grabs very small pre-fabbed bricks or balls from a support and places them on the right place ... This 'bricks' could come from a sort of magazine, or from a conveyr-belt, on whom a fixed dispenser places single dropplets in the right size ... Maybe instead of simple droplets there could be more complex forby VDX - Mechanics
... until yo have no tools for sintering high-temp or applying bulk metal or ceramics, i would try 'organic-style' devices with membranes and pistons. Some folks in Bremen university designed and build micro-grippers with an included hydraulic/pneumatic membrane-actuator, which was driven by heating resistors ... I used special ferrofluids as magnetically controlled actuators and used them tooby VDX - General
Hi Sean, ...there's a lot of work to do, until i can 'print' chips and advanced elektronics, but this is my idea Actually it's easier to print conections and vias with conductive paste and insert 'normal' chips. 25 years ago i made outline-pcb's with my Atari ST and a $2000-mill. Maybe with an acid, which will proper remove copper, but not the inc-jet-guts i can make the same with an inc-jetby VDX - General
... i had to mix some glass- and gold-powder with a liquid to a dispensable paste. So i found out, that i can have a high variable and fine adjustable viscosity, if i use either pure dexpanthenol (eq. D-(+)-Pantothenylalcohole) or mix it as needed with water. Dexpanthenol didnt dry, but with heating i can remove it completely and sinter the formed volume to the endstate - glass-soldering (~430by VDX - General
... why not use PDA's or smart-phones? Then you need only an USB- or Bluetooth-port and the software runs as native java or C on the handheld ... The actual smartphones or pda's are 'real' capable Hardware and should be much faster with more RAM in the future. Ciao, VDXby VDX - Controllers
Roach_S Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ohhhh....chip manufacture.... > > I want a sub-micron silicon etching head... Hi Sean, ... the OLED-technology plays with ink-jet-printing of polymers and solvents for additive and/or subtractive manufacturing of organic and anaorganic electronic - here you have a dot-size of merely 30 microns ... On the otherby VDX - General
... oh, this wasn't my money burnt here I'm in the development of microassembly tools and integrating of nano- and micro-parts in 'real' applications ... The expensive parts runs mostly with projects and cooperations. On my work i have an (lowcost, ~8000by VDX - General
ZachHoeken Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > wow, those are awesome! ... thanks They are for the 'normal' dimensions - in the other work with a bit more accuracy i handle platinum wires with 0,001 mm diameter and actualy i 'tune' prober-needles with nano-tips, where i have to fix a gold-knob with merely 30 microns diameter and a sharp tip of nearly 20 nanometeby VDX - RepRap Host
... here i have an image of an milled 'one-sheet-tripod'-system settled on an array of pzt-linear-motors. This system is capable of some centimetres way in X, Y and Z with an accuracy in the submicron range. The image of the 'black beetle' is an example of an 'sticky' hexapod ... The tripod-mechanic is very easy to design and to build, so the overall assembly reduces to a basis with 3 linearby VDX - General
... here i have some images of designing micro-tools and ready ones in STL-epoxy or milled from DELRIN or aluminium ... Ciao, VDXby VDX - RepRap Host