... repeated melting plastic materials will degrade them - so maybe better working with solvents or lower temps. One of my related ideas was to laser-sinter dark plastic powders or lignin-powder (have some from Tecnaro)by VDX - Polymer Working Group
... look into the datasheet for common use/schematics -- sometimes you'll need resistors or a specific polarity of the transistor/mosfet ...by VDX - General
... to get all available pins you can use "M43" - Which pins are assigned to your actual configuration should be found in the documentation to your board ...by VDX - General
... there could be some RADDS boards available -by VDX - General
... read into the G-code "M42" -by VDX - General
... check for "hot melt dispensing", as shown here (look at the video too) - This could be ued with "filled" materials too ...by VDX - Polymer Working Group
... check the date of the last post ... seems quite old, so maybe no reaction to awaitby VDX - Powder Printing and Selective Laser Sintering
... wie schon geschrieben - warte noch ein Bischen, ob/wann sich jemand meldet, der sich mit deinem Drucker bzw. der Ansteuerung besser auskennt. Ich habe meine noch Alle mit Pronterface/Marlin mit den Arduino-Boards (oder Marlin4Due mit ArduinoDue) und als Drucker auch eher ältere Typen (Darwin- und Mendel-Varianten, Orca, Eigenbau) ... und mich auch schon länger nicht mehr mit Kunststoff-FDM-3by VDX - Allgemeines
... das RepRap-Projekt wurde 2006 gestartet und die "aktivste Zeit" ging von etwa 2007 bis 2011, bis sich das Thema ausreichend weit rumgesprochen hatte ... danach haben die Chinesischen Copy-Cats "übernommen" und die eigentlichen Entwickler hatten nicht mehr so die Lust, ihre in den Foren vorgestellten Open-Source-Entwicklungen nach ein paar Monaten als (schlechte) Kopien bei Alibaba oder Amazonby VDX - Allgemeines
Hallo Daniel, ... willkommen bei RepRap! Nachdem die "aktive" Zeit schon etwas her ist, ist es hier im Forum etwas ruhiger geworden, die Antworten könnten also etwas länger dauern. Noch ein Tip fürs Suchen in den Foren - ganz unten in der rechten Combo-Box "jeden Alters" auswählen, sonst wird nur über die letzten 30 Tage gesucht ...by VDX - Allgemeines
... done ...by VDX - Administration, Announcements, Policy
... check the settings in your configuration and if you have some different G-codes in a pre-/post-macro. You have to define yhe position of the limit-/homing-switches and the seeking direction for homing accordingly ...by VDX - Firmware - Marlin
... schau mal, ob der Referenz- bzw. Endschalter an den richtigen Pins hängt, die passende Polarität hat und ggf. "Aktiviert" ist - dann fährt er typisch nur in eine Richtung. Den Zustand des Endschalters kannst du mit dem G-Code-Befehl "M119" abfragen ...by VDX - Elektrik & Elektronik
... hrrmpf -- hab' die eigentlich als "200W-Dioden" gekauft ... sind aber "nur" 135W-Dioden Dafür waren die günstig genug, daß es sich auch dafür noch gelohnt hat -- wird mal Zeit, mit meinen "Todesstern-Laser V3" anzufangen! Ich finds nur schade, daß die beim Ausbauen die Fasern viel zu kurz abknippsenby VDX - Laser-Ecke
... you can try to apply enough current at the specified voltage to one or more of the diodes, so they start lasering and check, what amount of IR power is emitted by the corresponding fiber. To start lasering, this should be something like 4 Amps at 12V (absolute max. current is 44 Amps) with cooling on or for a short time, so the diodes won't overheat. Without reattaching the fiber you have tby VDX - Laser Cutter Working Group
... the "Giga" is not a single Arduino, but a combo with a much more powerfull multi-core, which could run micro python or other high level software ... so something like the even older UDOO with a similar idea, which didn't get enough momentum then. So meant as sort of PC with an ArduinoDue "coprocessor" ...by VDX - Firmware - Marlin
... when searching a faster Arduino/STM-based board - what's with the Arduino Giga? -by VDX - Firmware - Marlin
... could be "overheating" in combination with a heated bed ...by VDX - Printing
... its a common G-code (or more precise, "M"-code), so it will be send together with all other G-codes. Depending on your software you can create a user button for switching it manually or a macro to implement it "automatically" with the normal G-code ...by VDX - Firmware - Marlin
... you can switch pins, not already defined/used with "M42" - e.g. with a pin number 'pp' you'll write "M42 Ppp S1" for ON and "M42 Ppp S255" for OFF (check if the state S1 and S255 are working this way or the other way round).by VDX - Firmware - Marlin
... Dust hatte dir ja im Englischen Forum schon geantwortet bzw. 2 mögliche Gründe genannt - verdrehte Flachbandkabel und Fehler im Code: Quote The MKS TS35-R V2.0 probably has the same issues the MKS TS35 V2.0 has on BTT SKR 1.4 1) the exp1 and exp2 plugs are rotated 180 from what BTT expects. 2) This MKS TS35 V2.0 screen is known to have bugs in Marlin on BTT SKR 1,x boards. I've beenby VDX - Allgemeines
... I did something similar per WLAN with the Toshiba Flash Air SD card - you have to tweak it with a different config-file on the card, as its only meant for sending files, not receiving themby VDX - Firmware - Marlin
... frag eventuell nochmal im Deutschen Forum -by VDX - General
... I've used this with Marlin4Due (but would work with any other GRBL-based firmware too) - best is to configure the E-stepper as "1 step per mm" and adjust the step-multiplier inside Pronterface or another G-code-sender or as multiplier with a converter from other vector-files into G-code (I've programmed different converter/importer for HPGL or DXF or other custom-specific file-formats too).by VDX - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
... depending on your skills maybe some 3D-printing software will do - I'm using Pronterface for some of my laser-engravers by "misusing" the extruder-steps for laser pulses and setting the power with an analogue 0-5V output for the pulse-length (0V=5µs, 5V=300µs pulse length)by VDX - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
... the Darwin had a stiffer frame, but more redundant parts ... the later ones were either more simply/faster to assemble or had "fancier" variations or other "more interesting" characteristics. It's nothing wrong with the Darwin - it was the then most promising entry into the theme with high possibility to find most of the needed parts at your local stores ...by VDX - General New Machines Topics
... das dürften dann "Unterspannungs-Resets" sein, weil die 3.3V oder 5V zu stark einbrechen ...by VDX - Allgemeines