This is gonna be a lengthy post, I hope its worth it. I am one of the original backers of this project, and I finally got tired by the way this "Lei Wang" is handling the situation. Many of us feel we are being scammed, and since he is saying this I really want to warn others not to order anything with him anymore. We are not feeling backers, but rather feel light in our pockets. Quotenautiluswby Mr. Seeker - For Sale
Hello, I am currently working with Eagle, and I made a PCB, but I was wondering the following: How can I put the soldering points on top, and not on the bottom? This is because I want to connect the PCB to a breadboard, like the sanguino. Any tips/ideas how to do this?by Mr. Seeker - Controllers, gives also warnings here. Its google anti-malware that is giving the error. This means that firefox and chrome are warning you against malware. I would recommend the rrrf guys to read this website:by Mr. Seeker - General
There is already one:by Mr. Seeker - General
You can print stuff with a minimal diameter of 0.5mm. Note that it will become messy if you try to print stuff with more than 45 degree overhang... If you tell me what kind of architectual models you want to print? I am sure that I can make the pantheon with several Mr. Seeker - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
I tried to extrude chocolate but plastic tastes better... When my reprap is fixed I will try to extrude my masterpiece... The biggest item in the reprap world, the go-kart wheel:by Mr. Seeker - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
Apples... Printing Mr. Seeker - Let's design something! (I've got an idea ...)
20 euro per kilo, sounds interesting... Bovendien komen er kosten bij van max. 15 euro... Keer in bulk inkopen?by Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
Hello, Does anyone have a list of all the plastic parts that need to be made? I checked the BoM on the website, but it doesnt contain all the stuff for the reprap (for example I couldnt find how much plastic pieces I needed for the pulleys). I like this to make all the plastic parts for a friend of Mr. Seeker - General
Cyrozap Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Heh, I could just imagine: building a smaller > RepRap (current standard size) inside the giant > one. I was thinking the total opposite: Whats the smallest size for a darwin to still operate and print parts for its bigger Mr. Seeker - General
:2:{i:0;i:1241647609;i:1;a:32:{s:7:"user_id";s:1:"1";s:8:"username";s:5:"admin";s:8:"password";s:32:"*********";s:16:"cookie_sessid_lt";s:32:"e5f542b36a63dfae4aa4fb554d9ad4e0";s:9:"sessid_st";s:0:"";s:17:"sessid_st_timeout";s:1:"0";s:13:"password_temp";s:32:"*******";s:5:"email";s:14:"[email protected]";s:10:"email_temp";s:0:"";s:10:"hide_email";s:1:"0";s:6:"active";s:1:"1";s:9:"user_data";N;s:9:"siby Mr. Seeker - Administration, Announcements, Policy
Ik heb geen tijd om de boel af te maken... Bovendien ook het gevoel dat ik de chip heb opgeblazen, want hij geeft geen groen lichtje meer. Ook moet ik de z-as eens onder handen nemen, heeft de neiging of los te Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
Like David said, the extruder is a good way to start. Maybe try to find a way to change the extruder to a drilling mill? I know that someone from the core team made a design to have multiple extruders in the machine, why not make a drillhead for the reprap and write the software to use it?by Mr. Seeker - General
I think it is the same as the normal Mr. Seeker - Reprappers
Why not make a rep(st)rap out of wood? The bitsfrombytes design can also be perfectly made out of wood. You just need a lot of handywork and a lot of sawing, but it is possible. At least its better than using paper... You can also print the designs on paper and cut it out. Most quality copy-shops can print upto A0, which i think should be Mr. Seeker - Mechanics
And something you should take in consideration: The project is open-source for a reason. Unless you got a radical new design and patented it then it would be very hard to sell to schools, because they just ask for 1 printer and make thousands out of it to give to the students as a kit. I would say: You can do it, but take into consideration that you wont earn enough to cover all of your expensesby Mr. Seeker - General
Voor dingen die je kunt printen kun je ook kijken naar, daar staan ook aardig wat dingetjes op, en daar zet ik meestal mijn spullen Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
De BfB is uit Acryl om precies te zijn, maar elk soort plastic werkt. Moeilijkheidsgraad: Niet echt. Moet wel goede vingers hebben, kunnen werken met kleine tangetjes en een beetje in gaten weten te wurmen. Zeg gerust dat je er 36-48 werkuren aan moet besteden. Ik moet nog een extruder maken, en die z-as werkend zien te krijgen. Elke keer heb ik het probleem dat de boel loslaat en de as de gronby Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
Raar dat jij een stang over hebt. Klaarblijkelijk toch iets verkeerd gemeten? Ik heb in ieder geval alle stangen moeten Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
Cupcake is a good design, if it could actually make candy it would be wonderful The Darwin design is in no way comparable with the iFab & fab@home. The darwin is based on evolution, while the fab@home is based on rapid prototyping. Thats why darwins are getting cheaper and cheaper, while fab@home still is so Mr. Seeker - General
De gemeenschappelijke aanschaf is al klaar, moet nog even bij hem langs... Ben net terug van vakantie, en ik heb een waslijst aan e-mails en andere zaken die ik nog moet doen. Zeg unfold, hoe ver sta jij nu met de BfB spul?by Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
What version of the extruder are you talking about? I know that there is the 2.0.1 version, but I am not sure if that one is also used in the 3.0 that they are selling right now. It makes me confused to hear people talking about the "BfB extruder" without telling me which Mr. Seeker - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Ik heb bij de BfB zelf gekocht, klaarblijkelijk gaat dat iets sneller dan unimatic Vooral als je er hard op aandringtby Mr. Seeker - Dutch User Group - Archive
This is my first post after 6 hours of non-stop building... I finally made it to 1-13 according to the builder's manual. I think Iain didnt lie when he said it would take at least 48 hours to complete the reprap. I am on building hour 6. The manual is good, but it is sometimes better to go with your own mind than the manual, since it contains small errors (parts that are look-a-like on the 3d),by Mr. Seeker - Reprappers
larsrc Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh hi, another Danish reprapper. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not Danish but Mr. Seeker - For Sale
bobt Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The boards are a kit of parts and you have to > assemble them yourself. I think his question is: Is it SMD or normal soldering?by Mr. Seeker - Controllers
You know, as long as people can provide their latest designs in here, and the RRRF willing to make a couple of PCB's out of those designs, then I am sure that we wont bother who is selling stuff. The RRRF used to be (in my eyes) a company selling stuff instead of a foundation, and I think zach took the right decision of putting everything what concerns everyday parts in a company who is selling tby Mr. Seeker - General
"1. The RRRF will no longer supply common items (steppers, cables, etc) in the online store. We will continue to sell all the various items we have in stock in the store until they run out, but they will not be re-stocked." It means you have to get them fromby Mr. Seeker - Controllers
Its mentioned many times, try the search Mr. Seeker - Reprappers
That photosynth thing works best if you put it on a plate with a steppermotor under it, and then make the machine take one step at a time while taking photographs (from webcam for example). If you do it correctly, you will end up with lots of pictures. I tried it with a loose hand and taking pictures from all kinds of angles, including above, but that will end up in blurry Mr. Seeker - 3D Scanners, Book Scanners, and Optics