I heat the nozzle before homing so that any plastic on it doesn't matter when it gets close to the bed. I also don't have any obstructions on the bed inside the homing or build area.by jv4779 - General
Marlin uses some hand coded assembly and a lookup table to beat the performance bottleneck that is avr divide.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
You sure post a lot about the issue of segment pausing and ramp acceleration, but never take the advice to try Marlin or Sjfw where were specifically designed to solve these issues. No one from Sprinter or Teacup is claiming that their firmware does what your want.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I never meant to imply that it was impossible to make Marlin work on a 328. Just the current release will not work because the raw ram requirements, even with a minimal (ie useless) move buffer, are just too high.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
If the nozzle has a point instead of a flat around the hole it can build up extra plastic.by jv4779 - Skeinforge
You guys can believe what you want. The grbl code isn't the issue. Sprinter is very inefficient with ram. The strings aren't even in flash.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Marlin uses too much ram to be used on a 328. Even with the move queue at 2.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I have never tried stretch myself, just read there are other artifacts introduced besides larger circles.by jv4779 - General Mendel Topics
You can see some background here. Short answer is there is no easy fix, you can adjust the STL files based on your machines performance or drill out the holes after printing.by jv4779 - General Mendel Topics
Why so much effort to print on raw glass when PET tape works so well?by jv4779 - General
One thing I wanted to get around to was just specify the beta, r0, r1, and r2 and let the firmware calculate the table on start up. Most users in the know end up generating their own table anyways and those that don't know end up with slightly incorrect temps. The processing time to create the table doesn't really matter since it is one time. The only overhead would be the ram to store it. Iby jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
There is a major disconnect in your understanding. The MOSI and MISO pins on the gen6 are not to communicate with an arduino or do I2C or SPI. They are straight digital outouts that the gen6 firmware can toggle and are connected to your dispenser. After connecting gen6 to your dispenser all you need to do is alter gen6 firmware to digitalWrite these pins at the correct time.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I still think this is a gcode generation issue. I don't know of any machine that runs with negative x and y axis using absolute positioning. This could be causing firmware issues since noone uses it this way. You can try sprinter firmware to try and elliminate the firmware as the issue.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Stock Marlin will have stuttering if you exceed 20 Khz step rates on any axis. There will also be pausing if the 16 move buffer is depleted causing a wait until a new move is added. It isn't easy to determine if the move buffer is being run dry and the faster you run your feedrate the easier it is to run dry.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
In general the idea of Advance settings is to fix the problem where acceleration causes not enough plastic at the start of a line and too much at the end resulting in blobbing. I think the blobbing is the easiest to see and change the advance settings to minimize it. Assuming your extruder is properly calibrated when the blob at the end is gone, the plastic at the beginning will be correct.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Those comments are coming from your start.gcodeby jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I don't know why you say there are no comments in your gcode when the first 16 lines all have them. Another cause of an axis not going backwards is the endstop for that axis is not working or configured wrong.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
It is currently unknown if the advance can just be calculated or if it needs to be tuned to your machine. Right now the values are separated until more is known about what produce a good results.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
This can happen if the STL file doesn't touch the z axis zero over the whole bottom layer.by jv4779 - Skeinforge
It isn't common to have negative numbers in the XYZ moves. This is caused by your STL not being orientated correctly. You can fix this by changing your Skeinforge profile to enable Multiply and set 1 X 1 with some sane X and Y centers (like 100 x 100) for a mendel. The other option is to move the object in the STL with Blender or re-exporting it from the source. Multiply is by far the easiestby jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
You need to look into the gcode file that you are trying to print. If there are very long lines that are comments that can cause the checksum errors, if there no G1 codes in it there is something else going on.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
If you have comments enabled in Skeinforge you will get this result in Pronterface. You can see this if there a bunch of () in the gcode file.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
You might be running out of ram. If your board has an atmega168 can Teacup support the 1k of ram?by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
If you are not using a stepper extruder then you can take either of the extruders step or direction pins and changee the gen6 firmwas to just set this high if there e steps to be done in the dda. You would need to keep increasing your E in the gcode or use relative E if the gen6 firmware supports it.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
Do you need an arduino connected to the gen6 ? Can't a spare pin be used from the gen6 board to control your dispenser. I am not clear when you want this dispenser pin to on and off.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
This is a very interesting development. Extruder advance and GRBL planner integration were on my firmware TODO list.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
I don't think people use the retract distance as knowing I want to turn back 1mm, then know there is a good range to set it too. If that were volume based the range would just change again. The feedrate on the retract only move would be kinda weird if in mm3/min.by jv4779 - Firmware - experimental, borrowed, and future
The fewer moves without extrusion the fewer chances for ooze and other extrude start issues.by jv4779 - Developers
In the process of finally building a sells mendel after a year of repstrap use. I am wondering why the think sheet electronics mount is on the front of the printer instead of the back? It sure looks like it would be in the way on the front.by jv4779 - General Mendel Topics
Off the cuff I thought that an injection of dye would be the most viable method of coloring. Even something as indirect as adding a sharpie marks on the cold filament at a point before the color needs to change at the hot end outlet. Calculating something like that isn't going to give very high resolution but would allow for colored layers or block area. Taken to the extreme with red, green, aby jv4779 - General