I'm trying to work out a print run in China to help get some ultra affordable parts made. However they want STP or STEP files. They've been unable to use the scad or stl files to get 'volume' information for the pieces. Can someone help me understand how to convert these?by enuro12 - 3D Design tools
Looking great MaFraL. Cant wait to see your first prints! A quick tip. Get some glass for the bed. Makerfarm suggested stealing the glass from a picture frame. Working great for me (wife isnt real happy). Without it the heated bed is incredibly uneven, so my first prints were horrid!by enuro12 - Reprappers
More Current! They weren't getting enough juice!by enuro12 - Reprappers
The z motors make some noise and get about 1/2 a turn in. Then continue to make noise. Any ideas?by enuro12 - Reprappers
Hey! Guess that would have helped. We both bought the ROB-10846 from spark fun. I found the data sheet as well as the data sheet for our GEN 6 hardware. Pin 1 is Black 2 green 3 Red 4 Blueby enuro12 - Reprappers
Since it applies to MaFraL as well. Can someone tell me what order the wires for the stepper go into the molex connector.by enuro12 - Reprappers
I put the metal tape under on the plastic extruder (assuming it would block the heat like a radiant barrier. Guess i'll find out soon. I purchased the $400+ kit from makerfarm, with gen 6 electronics. Mine came with the 6mm connector. Here is the 10 sec PSU solution. Get a modern ATX PSU. Insert a paperclip in the green wire of the atx connector and the other end in a ground wire. Walla! I've nby enuro12 - Reprappers
What a fan-freakin-tastic set of calibration guides! I can hardly wait to get back into the shop. Thanks guys! p.s. I spent a bit of time at iStar trying to figure out how to apply that to 3d printing. I was thinking however a 3d printed telescope tube could make some awesome baffles!by enuro12 - General
So i'll finish the wiring on the pursra tomorrow. Whats the next step? Do i need to worry about firmware, or just find some sort of software and ... i dunno print? Anything you've got would be great, i've got 16hrs of time i can read before i get back to the shop.by enuro12 - General
I too am building the same kit as you We've got no kapton around here. Even though i ordered some it wont be here until next week. I insulated my wires with some heat shrink, then wrapped under them with aluminum tape (Good to 315c for stove pipes). Another layer on top to hold the wires in place and walla! Just got to crimp my motors and i'm ready for the next step... what ever that may beby enuro12 - Reprappers
Not to be confused with a dual extruder! I've been researching 'reusing' and diy 'filament' methods. What i've seen amounts to poor quality at best and a whole lot more effort that i care to put into it. I've thought up the double extruder. It would require the addition of a servo or maybe parking the head when not in use. The stepper becomes a constant drive screw/auger. Filament or chunks ofby enuro12 - Plastic Extruder Working Group