Hi, There are a lot of variation of prusa i3. My question is what type/version/s is/are most used by people? And what type/version/s is/are the most supported by community ? Thanks.by mclaren - Reprappers
Quotefrankvdh STL-wise, probably the most useful thing would be to be able to cut an STL into parts and add connectors to join them together physically. I was thinking about cutting, it is very useful. But connectors is something new, it is an interesting idea to consider. Thanks.by mclaren - 3D Design tools
Hi, Scale/mirror is the first step, the idea is to develop it further. An example is boolean operators (union/intersection STL files), but the list can continue... It is more useful when you did not have CAD model, and want to do some changes to object, and only option is to edit STL. What type of operations with STL files you are using more often? Thanks for your opinion.by mclaren - 3D Design tools
Hi, For the last month I am working on a free tool(stl-editor) to simplify STL editing process and to support reprap community. What you think about the idea to have a free web STL-editor, and what are you opinion about the product itself? The tool can be found here (version 0.1):by mclaren - 3D Design tools