Thanks guys. This looks pretty handy!by RickRap - Controllers
Looking at making some kind of quick disconnect for a power 'brick' I'm designing that will include the power supply and control board. I'm designing for 6 steppers x 4 leads = 24 leads. Would a DIY DB25 be a usable solution?by RickRap - Controllers
Thanks dc FIRMWARE_NAME:RepRapFirmware FIRMWARE_VERSION:1.09 ELECTRONICS: Duet (+ Extension) DATE:2015-04-21 Board is 0.8.5 Fan is on FAN0. I also have two additional fans on the Always On pins. The LED light by the PWM pins is always RickRap - Duet
The PWM fan does not turn off on my Duet. I have tried the following: M107 M106 S0 Restarting the board The LED for the PWM fans is always on no matter which GCodes I RickRap - Duet
Not sure which fork. I believe it's your dc42 fork. I can double check. I've also been experiencing another anomaly. When trying to heat up the hotend, I am continually getting a fault. The console message says something about the hotend taking too long to heat up. Is there a setting to adjust this timeout? For instance, if I set the hotend to heat up to 220, it will make it to just over 200 theby RickRap - Duet
I consider myself to be a medicore rep-rapper. I'm not quite as analytic about things as many others here. That said, I do have enough knowledge to help others get started with this hobby (affliction). Last year I began teaching classes at community college to teach students how to build a 3D printer. We used the QUBD TwoUp kit for the first class. That was an awful experience. QUBD lost any futuby RickRap - Reprappers
This happens too often. I post something then come up with the solution. I have a smoothie 5X. There are 5 drivers. I have X-Axis (1 Stepper) Y-axis (2 Steppers) Z-axis (2 Steppers) Extruder (1 Stepper) Z-axis is pretty straightforward wired in series I can use the 5th driver to power the other y-axis and simply reverse it in firmware. doneby RickRap - Controllers
I am experimenting with dual steppers on the y axis. The housings for these steppers will be mirrored so I will need to have them counter-rotating. They will be wired in series. How do I invert the wiring for rotation?by RickRap - Controllers
Also, for the RepRap board admins, I think it would be a good idea to have a Smoothie forum as a compliment to the Duet forum in Electronics. Just a suggestionby RickRap - General
Great to see you posting here Arthur. I'm a diehard Smoothie fan. I have two Smoothies and a Duet (I also have several RAMPS, Rambo, and a couple of deceased Printrboards - I have OCD issues when it comes to electronics). The only downside for me is the upload speed via the web interface. This can be solved using USB and mounting the SD card and sharing it over the network. Of course that opensby RickRap - General
John, I would love to come to the show, but I just can't make the logistics work. I am now in the second year of teaching how to build a 3D printer. The biggest challenge I see with the industry is the gap between what people think they want to do and what they can actually do. I've been teaching RepRap as a continuum of the design process which includes introduction to the creative tools neededby RickRap - General
Time has a way of proving things out. After running my z-axis in parallel since posting above, one issue has come up. As I am using bushings rather than crunchy roller bearings, there is more resistance than a typical roller setup. This has caused the motors to clutch or skip or backlash or whatever it's called. So, I am now looking at re-wiring these in series. That will halve the voltage. Mby RickRap - Controllers
Ok, I switched the heater to Tool 0 Now, if I enter the following in the command line: T0 M104 T0 S221 Tool 0 gets selected and starts heating up If I put those same commands into a macro, It will only go to Standby and not heat up. I'm just looking for a way to have a macro start up the heater prior to RickRap - Duet
Thanks for the info. So, I should make P1 the bed then? Not sure why that P127 is there. I don't think it's in my config file. If it is, not sure how it got there. Chrishamm wrote the web interface? Bang up job!by RickRap - Duet
I have: M563 P1 D0 H1 In config.g It seems bed is tool 0 by default (no M563 command used) Extruder is tool 1 Here are my settings:by RickRap - Duet
Right. I send M104 T1 S220, On duet it stays on 'standby' and does not heat up. I'm wondering if there is a switch or g code to tell the board to go from 'standby' to 'active'.by RickRap - Duet
On my duet, I would like to have my slicer turn on the hot end. Normally, M104 S220 would do that with other firmware. But with Reprap Firmware, I have to specify a tool: M104 T1 S220. That works fine, but it does not move the hot end from standby to active. What is the g code combination I need to do that?by RickRap - Duet
Thanks. I'll have to look for something like that. In the mean time, Seems most of my troubles were with my slic3r settings. Played around with those and things are working RickRap - Controllers
Thanks! That was somewhat helpful. The problem I'm having is that I am not sure my temperature readings are correct. I am sure, however, that they are too low. For instance, setting the temp to 210 in the console, I get a reading of around 195 at the hotend. My biggest challenge, I think, is that I don't trust the reading my IR thermometer is giving me considering the accuracy of the measuring aby RickRap - Controllers
Is there anyone using a Duet with e3D V6? What are your settings for extruder thermistor (M305)?by RickRap - Controllers
I just set up two z-axis steppers on my Duet. I wired them in parallel. These are NEMA 17 from OpenBuilds. I set current to 2.0 in the firmware and they seem to be functioning just RickRap - Controllers
Closing in on the issue. I'm pretty sure the temperature readings from Duet for the hot end are incorrect. I don't profess to have a good grasp of the voodoo magic used to retrieve temperatures from thermistors, but it seems in this case the temps are just way off. Setting the temperature to 250, I'm reading about 160 at the hot end with an IR temperature device. I don't really trust that IR tempby RickRap - Plastic Extruder Working Group
I just installed an E3D V6 in a Bowden configuration. This is the first Bowden I've set up. I had some challenges with the PTFE tube staying in the hot end. A simple fix was to use a circlip underneath the plastic fitting. Now the tube stays in the hot end, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting the filament to run through it. My tube is about 60cm. There seems to be a lot of pressure in this coby RickRap - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Thanks for all the info. I solved the issue. I had to have different settings for x and y steppers. Setting x to 90 and y to 88 solved the problem. Not sure where the ratio difference is. The X-axis uses a 12-tooth pulley. Not sure about the Y. It's possible that's RickRap - Controllers
If there was something mechanical wrong with the printer, it would not print circles correctly regardless of the steps/mm. And I'm still not sure the Smoothieboard is innocent. With BOTH steppers set at 80 steps/mm, circles are circles. They are spot on. Setting BOTH the steppers to 88, I end up with the oblong pictures shown. I suppose there could be something with slic3r. I will try a differby RickRap - Controllers
It's a Cartesian printer (QUBD TwoUp) Both steppers are identical. The QUBD came with a geeetech printrboard cloan. It committed seppuku and is no longer in service. However, with the printrboard attached I had no problems like this. Attached is an image from a test file I made I get if I set the steps to 88 steps/mm for both x and y With the steps set to 80, the circles come out fine, which lby RickRap - Controllers
I have a Smoothieboard and I'm having a heck of a time getting the size of my prints to be correct. The prints are printing at about 90% their actual size. I have played with the stepper settings for steps/mm. If I set the steps/mm to 88, I will get correct x/y dimensions, however any circles print in a somewhat oval shape. If I dial the steps back to 80, circles are fine but dimensionally the pby RickRap - Controllers