QuoteVDX ... for my paste-dispensers and some "random" machines I've used Marlin4Due and Marlin2 wit ArduinoDue boards ... but today I'll either too try with RRF or something new with an ESP32 board. Thanks Viktor. I’ve always been surprised that Arduino Due based boards did not really become a big thing in RR land like Mega+ramps. Or did I miss something? I read about a new Arduino 32 bit boardby unfold - Controllers
Quotedc42 @unfold I suggest you join the RepRapFirmware/TeamGloomy Discord channel. There you will find help with running RRF on a range of low costs controllers. Thanks for the tip @dc42! Just jumped in there and seems very lively discussion, always a great sign. Will read a bit more into the GitHub page and Discord and post some questions there to. I wasn’t sure RRF on BTT was really a thing (by unfold - Controllers
Hey all, It's been an awful long time since I hang out here (more than 10y) but I would like to consult the incredible hive mind here again. I'm currently working with Product Development students on a modular flexible open source 3d clay printer. Most stuff is easy to settle on except the electronics. We would like to make the machine compatible with two options: -A high end option using Duet aby unfold - Controllers
Bit late to the party but you might want to join the OpenBFB google group. Some people (me included) have converted BFB Rapman & bfb3000 printers to RepRap electronics. Since the CubeX shares tones of DNA with the bfb3000 (which shares DNA with the Rapman) there might be some useful info there for you.by unfold - General Mendel Topics
Quotemisan Another take on the same matter Excellent, thanks for pointing out. Looks very useful!by unfold - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
We've talked about tis before but none tried so far. I believe one could add some colored specs to clay that burn away when fired. Would be cool if you wanted to try using this sensor.by unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Indeed Marian, a closed loop system would solve a lot of issues in the air pressure based extrusion systems. I though of some ways to measure the flow rate but could't come up with something that would work. You weighing idea is pretty interesting although I would have no idea if that is feasible. The already printed clay looses weight when drying as water evaporates. Maybe you're up for the chalby unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
OK, so got the cheap TDV one with 250mm leads crew TDV linear actuator and installed it on a print head that I made. Adjusted the voltage on the pcb and worked. That was until I actually had it push 60cc of clay through a 1mm nozzle... On and off it skipped steps. So clearly I need a more powerful stepper, combined with maybe the finest pitch screw. I had no idea how to calculate how much pressurby unfold - Mechanics
QuoteVDX ... this 'linear motor' naming stuff is a bit fuzzy ... call it better linear drive or actuator winking smiley Thanks for clarifying, I found the linear actuator naming confusing when looking for one that is stepper based since a linear actuator can be so many things, pneumatic, hydraulic. Since I have no engineering education whatsoever I go by Google and a google image search for Lineby unfold - Mechanics
QuoteTraumflug What you show isn't a linear motor. It's a rotatry stepper with a threaded nut integrated. Undoubtly a useful arrangement in some situations, but linear motors work without any spindle. Now I get it. That makes sense, I was confused by you talking about how it could not be Nema 17...by unfold - Mechanics
I also found this one, which is cheap at 24$, but it is 12V: I understand that 12V steppers should work but don't perform to their full capacities? What issues can I run into at 12V? Viktor, I'm having a hard time figuring out what a good one would be. I am not good at understanding all the electronic specs From the RepRap wiki I understand that anything in the 3-5 V and 1-1.5 A ranges shouldby unfold - Mechanics
Thanks a lot Viktor, hand't found that one yet. Thats actually reasonable in price for one from a non-chinese vendor, I can easily find 150$ ones. Thanks a lot, knew you would have a good sourceby unfold - Mechanics
I don't get your point Traumflug, a Nema 17 sized non-captive linear stepper fits a Nema 17 mount just fine, thats why they are Nema 17 right? They have the exact same face plate dimensions, hole spacing flanges etc as a rotational Nema 17, the fixed axis is just replaced with a threaded rod and internal nut: There are round tin-can linear steppers that definitely don't fit on Nema 17 mountsby unfold - Mechanics
Hello I am looking for a good source for affordable non captive linear stepper motors, something in the nema17 range. I need at about 150mm usable stroke for driving the plunger down in a syringe, finest pitch so the most possible power is generated. Preferably in the US, as I am based there for some more months but anywhere else is helpful too! Thanks!by unfold - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Hello I am looking for a good source for affordable non captive linear stepper motors, something in the nema17 range. I need at about 150mm usable stroke for driving the plunger down in a syringe, finest pitch so the most possible power is generated. Preferably in the US, as I am based there for some more months but anywhere else is helpful too! Thanks!by unfold - Mechanics
Hi all, I've written an article for the new RepRap Magazine that gives an elaborate overview of paste extruders and concepts, summarizing much of the experiments me and others have done over the years. Hope you enjoy reading it. If you don't want to read all those pages, so far there are 3 principles that are useful (ore hopeful) to use for paste extrusion. Direct Air Pressure & Stepper Drivby unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Jim, Thanks for the response, exactly what I needed. I also feared that sourcing all the UHU gear with all the shipping would end being similar cost wise (but much more time wise).by unfold - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Hi all, I want to drive a servo with encoder and gear (still looking up the specs) using my Ultimaker Ramps board. Therefore I am looking into a servo driver that accepts the STEP/DIR signals as input so I can keep simple drop in replacement with my electronics and firmware. I was looking at both the Geckodrive 320x or the UHU Servo drive: This one seems ready out of the box (if my servo isby unfold - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
> But even then the DIY-community around RepRap was too big and chaotic to find solid cores or central nerves cheers on that!by unfold - General
Hi Viktor, Thanks!. But let's see first if there is enough interest before we create yet another sub forum. But I was thinking it could maybe best be a Usergroup, like all the local usergroups but then one dedicated to one brand of machines.by unfold - General
Hi all, As some of you have heard, on april 1st 3D Systems abruptly terminated the Bits from Bytes line of machines they acquired some years ago. There was only a short notice on Facebook but further nothing. Official announcement: QuoteOn April 1, 2013 we will be discontinuing the 3D Touch and Rapman and integrating our website and social channels with 3D Systems. Both printers will continue tby unfold - General
Ah, great sounds like your very dedicated The Burkert was the one I could easiest find but any valve could do although 12v is fairly non standard but some extra circuitry should overcome that. Can you set the dwell time on the BFB? I also figured an extra arduino could be a solution, also to detect empty syringes etc. one could wire up the esc key to a reed switch in the syringe to pause the maby unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Tomi, could you share the design for that, I have the same flexible material here.by unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
I did a test with a Makerbot a while ago and the object did not collapse as I feared (maybe the acceleration features smooth out rapid shakes?) But more tests need to be done to be sure over this issue of moving print beds. Cool design, but you know by now from my comments on Thingiverseby unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Hi Fergal, Sorry to jump in late, not following the forums daily anymore. Busy indeed But I am writing a new post for the blog. I never connected the solenoid to the extruder port, there are 2 12v aux ports on the pcb that you can switch with gcode: M210 AUX 1 off M211 AUX 1 on M220 AUX 2 off M221 AUX 2 on On early PCBs there used to be a connector soldered to the board, on later ones thereby unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Thanks markusby unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Hello all, finally started documenting all relevant info about our work on ceramic extrusion and paste extruders in the wiki. God bless the christmas holiday extra time (and a little reminder from Adrian). I used the page that Sebastien started ages ago. It is a work in progress (more pictures and cad files needed) but please shoot if you have comments.by unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Hi all, For those who have been living in a cardboard box lately: The new Arduino's have a different and better USB architecture, using an Atmel chip instead of FTDI. They use LUFA as a stack. Might bring much better USB support to Reprap: Quotearduino.cc Hardware We are launching two new board and announcing some upcoming products. Arduino Uno This board will replace the Duemilanove.by unfold - Controllers
sheep Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The downside of this, would be the requirement for > at least a chip that supports USB on-the-go. > This would pretty much require an ARM processor, > although ATMEL does make some versions like the > AT90S128USB which is similar to the mega128. Not > sure if there is an Arduino Library for on the go. >by unfold - General
Should give that a try when I have a heated bed. But that would not work for all materials I suppose.by unfold - Paste Extrusion Working Group