This makes me wonder if there should be a "Do not buy from" list posted here in the marketplace forum. It could be done. Set it up so that only the site moderators are allowed to add names to the post and only when an individual has proven beyond a doubt that they are a scam or otherwise unreliable with their business dealings or product Kelly - For Sale
@ Scott Research James' other posts for his "Mendel complete kits" and "Mendel kits minus electronics" There are too many bad things going on in them for anyone to even think of buying from him now or in the future. No one has been able to get one of his kits up and running properly, not even James, they show up with missing or broken parts, the instructions are barely legible on cheap photo cby Kelly - For Sale
Yes, it would be a very poor decision to purchase anything from James now or in the future. I think he got in too deep financially and couldn't get out of the hole he used other people's money to get into. Whatever the case may be, he is not dealing with this in a professional Kelly - For Sale
Lets review the facts a bit. When James originally posted the ads for his kits there were red flags discovered right away that people were questioning. As time went on, more and more red flags were popping up. Of these red flags the most notable were these three. First, these kits were being sold with no proof that they would function and James kept dodging the issue by posting videos of otherby Kelly - For Sale
Lets review the facts a bit. When James originally posted the ads for his kits there were red flags discovered right away that people were questioning. As time went on, more and more red flags were popping up. Of these red flags the most notable were these three. First, these kits were being sold with no proof that they would function and James kept dodging the issue by posting videos of otherby Kelly - For Sale
Hopefully there is a lesson to be learned here, if it sounds like a duck, looks like a duck and smells like a duck, don't buy it on discount expecting it to be the goose that lays the golden Kelly - For Sale
James has been very sketchy lately, this recent lack of communication reminds me of a child who suddenly becomes very quiet because they know they did something Kelly - For Sale
Hmm..... Parts that break easily and are of poor quality, incomplete shipments, holes drilled in the wrong places, late deliveries, instructions that are misprinted, no parts lists, non communication when a buyer has a problem, selling the product before it's even been proven to work.... ect, the list goes on. I'm not sure what else to say except this seems like a very dubious operation where tby Kelly - For Sale
Yeah. I was thinking the new forum for the newbys would be a great place for them to ask the dumb questions and the regulars could answer said questions if they are feeling generous with thier experiences with the Reprap Kelly - General
Yeah, the video does seem to show his setup extruding the PLA at speeds closer to 25-30mm per second. Is it possible that the stepper motor is moving at 100mm per second but the PLA is dragging or hanging up in the mechanism resulting in the lower actual extrusion speed? That might also explain the drooling if the PLA hangs up while operating, then releases it's stored up tension after the stby Kelly - For Sale
@SebastienBailard How easy would it be to add a small forum specifically for the newby's like me, so that we can learn about the basic specifications and functions of the reprap devices. Maybe treat it like the military does with their instruction manuals, describe what the machine is, what it does, how it does it and so forth in not so large paragraphs using language that a 5 year oldby Kelly - General
@Buzzard192 Understood, I'm sure you'll be able to change certain aspects of your kit to suit your needs. I was mainly commenting on the odd nature in which James vaguely gives instructions on each step of his assembly in the videos as well as the odd and improper choice of tools that he uses when the proper tools are readily available for a very cheap price at any department store or hardwareby Kelly - For Sale
Hmm, watched stepper motor video, not sure what to think so am asking a couple of questions. How do you define "Not so tight" and "Super tight" in ft lbs or inch lbs of torque? Is it a little odd that he's using pliers instead of wrenches to tighten the nuts and bolts? In my experience, trying to use pliers in this way results in the loosening of parts, joints and connections over time as a maby Kelly - For Sale
As for the commercial viability of the reprap I just didn't know if there was a commercial application already in use. So that question was just there to satisfy my own curiosity. I have already seen that up to this point in the development of the reprap devices that they are not an affordable option for high volume production scenarios. CNC machine tools and high volume mold tooling beat them oby Kelly - General
I've already thought out an idea that will elliminate permanently welding the printed object to the bed when using a wire welder setup. The bed will need to be made out of high temp ceramic and there will need to be a grounded starter plate of about 1/2 inch (13mm) square that's 1/8th inch (3.5mm) thick that is some how firmly attached to the ceramic on the outside edge of the table. The weldingby Kelly - General
Recently I have come across the reprap concept and it has peaked my interest. Has anyone experimented with this technology by combining it with a wire welder unit that will print out structural steel parts? I have previous CNC experience from college but that was over 12 years ago, how easy is it to learn the new technology to operate these machines? Has there actually been an industrial demanby Kelly - General
Jeff Thanks for the update video, looking forward to the rest as they come Kelly - For Sale
spacexula Wrote: "He doesn't seem to be a scam, he is just selling a VERY flawed product, aka a printer that doesn't print, and might NEVER print in the form of kits that he has sent out to date. When you sell a product in public, you open yourself to reviews" I'm beginning to agree with this statement, It's looking a lot less like a scam on James' part, but it still does look like he'sby Kelly - For Sale
Jeff Thank you for posting the photo of yourself, it was actually a big help in more ways than one. I apologize for the rudeness but the end result was exactly what I was looking for. Someone posting a legit photo, kit included, that could not be disputed as just another nameless, faceless photo that proves nothing. Your photo lets us know that the kits are being purchased and showingby Kelly - For Sale
I don't quite believe the numbers James has posted, this whole deal smells too fishy. There are just too many things out of sorts here. Everything that has been pointed out as being strange with these kits could easily be taken care of with a legit video or two of the kit actually printing out parts. There have been no true attempts to clarify this from the seller, just more faceless assembly vidby Kelly - For Sale
Yeah it is a little scary, kind of makes me ponder if he even plans on completing one of the kits for himself. I can imagine he is putting in a lot of hours and funds from his own pocket but neither of those last forever if the product doesn't sell well enough. Give him another month, he will either sink or swim with his sales. I'm hoping that all these guys with the first initial "J" in theirby Kelly - For Sale
Buzzard192 Any imput you have at a later time would be very helpful in determining the validity of the kit that you purchased, which would help the rest of the community make an informed decision as to weather they should also purchase these kits. Again time for more egg on my face. I posted the above comments before registering an account here, that's why I haven't been able to remoby Kelly - Administration, Announcements, Policy