Linear extruder changer Rotating extruder changerby ddseeker - Developers
This Printers Tool Changer might give you some food for ddseeker - Developers
BerryBot3D Test cube with support structure A new worlds record for the largest print at least for the BerryBot3D!by ddseeker - General
That Model was not created with 3D printing in mind. Now it looks like they blocked in the windows and removed a few features, but you have to do a lot more rework on a model like this before creating an STL That was nonmanifold from the get go... need to strip it down to its basic shape and make it one ddseeker - Reprappers
QuoteSanjayM We are also looking at a super compact mini water cooled hotend, for just one nozzle. Might name it after some fast sea fish/animal. Marlin is already taken though, suggestions welcomed! Not sure if anyone gave any suggestions (I just scrolled back to see the side view image of the Kraken and noticed this) W3D Wahoo is the 3rd fastest fish in the world (max. recorded speed of 78by ddseeker - General
Quotebrnrd What's that clear stuff over the blue tape? Is it heated? I've never been able to print ABS on an unheated bed. The only exception is when I printed on an ABS sheet and the piece never came off. Werner Berry's, "Easy to apply glass juice for 3D printing"by ddseeker - General
To me, it looked like a spam thread from the get go. (Supposedly) An Interested consumer was asking if anyone knows about a certain product... once the product features are questioned suddenly this simply interested consumer starts defending this unknown product... when the conversation advances in a way they don't like, this simple consumer becomes angry and starts bashing other similar productsby ddseeker - General
QuoteRad Racer I can post a schematic of the wiring if there is interest. There can never be to much info... would be nice to see this whole project open sourced... save others from reverse (eyeballing) ddseeker - General
There are 3D scanner forums dedicated to DIY scanners where you can find more info. DIY3Dscan and DAVID-Laserscanner Forum I'm sorta following the Rubicon 3D scanner you can find it on kickstarters too, but there is nearly daily updates on indiegogoby ddseeker - General
Have you decided on the style of hot bed you will use, are you going to build it similar to Berrybot's platen? Real interested in any info you can share on your electronics. Looks amazing!by ddseeker - General
This is cool... what a work horse!by ddseeker - Delta Machines
Not sure if there is... you will have to STEP IN and then STL Out Going from any CAD file to STL is no problem, it is when you only have an STL that makes it a lot of work if you want a more usable CAD file. ~ Autodesks Inventor (with free downloadable plug in) can turn a faceted STL into a solid (probably a nonmanifold part). This is helpful for re-engineering the file into a CAD ddseeker - General
Quotedisneytoy My only concern about that diagram, is the DELTA EFFECTOR OFFSET goes from the ro pivot point, to the next axis pivot rod . But wouldn't the Centerline be th absolute center of the effector? I think that drawing is inaccurate. Remember that the effector base is triangular so it appears off center in the side ddseeker - Delta Machines
Maybe this will be clearer... John's 3DR “Simple” Delta Printer Firmware Settingsby ddseeker - Delta Machines
In the picture it goes from effector center to the middle point of the two pairs of ddseeker - Delta Machines
If the build platform was to rotate independently (in conjunction with the Sextupteron upper) could you eliminate over hang restraints? (note: I have not read this whole thread and not sure if you already have a controllable platform, so excuse my random jump in)by ddseeker - Delta Machines
BerryBot3D RadRacer builds a "BerryBot3D"by ddseeker - Delta Machines
QuoteA2 The Society of Multidimensional Manufacturing The Society of Multidimensional Technology A2 (these sound so cool if said in that, "Sunday, Sunday, Sunday" monster truck announcer voice)by ddseeker - General
Entry Level 3D Printers DIY 3D Printers Consumer 3D Printers DIY Prosumer 3D Printers Professional 3D Printers I see this as the hierarchy (improved list, off the top of my head) So, I would name the group based on the level of printers you plain to focus on. Note: DIY Prosumer 3D Printers, people make their own personal printers better then consumer grade printers. Ex. The Printer John Doe haby ddseeker - General
You could resell them or donate them to someone with a filament extruder. or get a filament extruder and recycle them ddseeker - General
my comment was not intended to be difficult, it is just I don't own a Kossel or a MK2b and I am unable to help other than suggesting to search (encase you don't get an answer to your question) What I would do if I did own Kossel... First: Go to Kossel - RepRapWiki page Second: Scroll down to the Frame section and click the link 1x Borosilicate glass print surface with 170mm diameter Third: (nby ddseeker - Delta Machines
Quotestahlsau i guess someone has a tip for me, i'll wait ;-) If you get impatient, you can try the Search ddseeker - Delta Machines
Quotenicholas.seward I really need to see if I can mod Slic3r or Cura to show the outline of the build area to help with part layout. Now that would be great!by ddseeker - Delta Machines
Quotetleneel Metallurgy is complicated ^^ Wait, so what you are saying is, when I melt it and 3D print it, it will not turn to gold? * losses all interest *by ddseeker - General
I have also been thinking to incorporate a Dehumidifier Rod in the enclosed filament holder. Not sure if this would be beneficial or just overkill?by ddseeker - Reprappers
Quoteuncle_bob Another thing to do as you re-spool - run it through someting to clean any dust / dirt / crud off of the outside of the filament. It's easy enought to do and it won't slow anything down. That's a great point! I've seen Filament Cleaners on printers but don't think I've seen them on (re) spoolers In conjunction with a Dry Reel Holder, the filament cleaner would work great on thby ddseeker - Reprappers
Quotemakeme I could have sworn I saw a few projects that were using some kind of timing belt that looked like a spiral around a wire so that it could bend in any direction, not just in two dimensions. Now I can't find anything like that. Does a spiral timing belt sound familiar to anyone? Might have been The Remoter thread in the Mechanics ddseeker - General
I thought this could be useful... Universal spool holder for 24 - 56mm holesby ddseeker - Reprappers