Marketplace Guidelines

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You are welcome to log in and edit, but please realize that we would like to keep this short and friendly.

Please do not ship boxes of rocks to each other

If you are planning on buying a RepRap, it may be useful to spend two or three minutes investigating the seller's reputation. This includes checking that the seller has "placematted" his or her parts.


  1. Write your name on a sheet of paper.
  2. Put the part on the sheet paper.
  3. Take the photo.

This way we know that the seller is not a scammer using your photographs in order to sell boxes of rocks rather than Mendel Parts. (A scammer attempted this once.)

Molded parts? Postprocessing?

If you are making RepRaps using from molds, this is great. Please tell your users how much postprocessing is involved to clean up your parts.

Please keep your documentation on the wiki

Rather than Other Spaces.

Consequences of keeping your documentation in Other Spaces

To Be Determined.

Consequences of creating Other Spaces and forking documentation for Personal Gain and Self-Aggrandizement

To Be Determined.

Ethics Library Policy