
From RepRap
Revision as of 01:34, 7 May 2020 by Zenfunk (talk | contribs) (key feature added)
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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: concept


an easy to build repstrap
CAD Models
none, true repstrap
External Link


Erasmus was the granddad of Charles Darwin. In his book Zoonomia he wrote "...shall we conjecture that one and the same kind of living filament is and has been the cause of all organic life?" So if his name is not a fitting name for a 3d printer, then I don't know which is.

I know I am late to the party with building a Repstrap in 2020 with all the cheap chinese printer kits around, but the idea of bootstrapping a self replicating machine has a beauty to it which I find very intriguing. So here it goes.

My Repstrap is mostly derived from the Cherry Printer [1] which has some similarities with the Printrbot. The Cherry Printer is a Reprap that is incredibly simple in construction. I wanted a capable machine which is why I used Nema 17 motors instead of the cheap but not very powerful 28Byj-48 motors of the Cherry Printer. The 3D printed parts of the cherry printer were easy enough to replicate with some scraps of wood and hotglue. The vitamins were mostly spareparts from my other 3D printer that I had lying around.

Key features

The focus of this repstrap was ease of construction. The extruder used, although working, is probably the first thing that gets replaced by a 3D printed part.