Tri Duino Stepper

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Crystal Clear action run.png
Tri Duino Stepper

Release status: unknown

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Unipolar 3 Stepper driver with an Arduino
CAD Models
External Link

This is a stepper driver using an ATMEGA168 for three steppers.

It takes step and direction from your gcode interpreter

(in this case another ATMEGA168 running 5-D on Arduino)

and drives three stepper motors accordingly.

Tri diuno bb.jpg

(There are only 2 steppers in the pic because that all I have but it is set up & tested for 3.)

(The code is crude and simplistic but I have not been programing long & it DOES work)

There are no libraries needed to run this, it really is just as simple as it seems.


Tri diuno step sch.jpg

Future development should integrate Two-Wire Control (see:) this will free up 6 pins allowing the extruder to be included.

--Glasshopper 02:04, 21 November 2010 (UTC)