RepRap Suppliers Registration

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Revision as of 11:37, 17 October 2011 by Adrianbowyer (talk | contribs)
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To get included on the Mendel Buyer's Guide page of the RepRap Wiki email reprapsuppliers curly-at as follows:

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Delete all these that don't apply to you:

Fully Assembled Mendels
RepRapped Parts Full Kits
Non-Reprapped Parts Full Kits
Community Webshops
Stepper Motors
Printing Materials Suppliers

Your URL:

The name of your entry:

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The only other e-mails that will be accepted at that e-mail address are

  1. Ones making factual corrections to entries, and
  2. Ones drawing attention to reviews of suppliers on the RepRap Forums for inclusion.

Other than that only one e-mail from any one group/person/company per calender month will be accepted. The e-mails are checked once a week.