
From RepRap
Revision as of 10:06, 8 December 2011 by Ulrichard (talk | contribs) (PLEASE HELP US PACKAGE skeinforge for Debian/Ubuntu.)
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This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

Crystal Clear action run.png
Example Development

Release status: unknown

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documenting a generic tool/artpiece
CAD Models
External Link

PLEASE HELP US PACKAGE skeinforge for Debian/Ubuntu.

See for general packaging instructions on Debian.
See for general packaging instructions on Ubuntu.
See for the current status of the packaging in Debian.

The package from debian testing is now also available in my ppa for ubuntu (maverick natty oneiric precise):

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:richi-paraeasy/ppa


Skeinforge is described [here]. It can be downloaded [here].

Skeinforge is written in the programming language Python. To run Skeinforge you will need Python. Python can be obtained [here.]. The official website for Python is [here].

Mr Kliment seems to maintain a (bundled) version that is Portable_Skeinforge


Since skeinforge is a big part of the RepRap toolchain for a lot of people we may want to maintain a local mirror of it, along with incorporating all the tutorials. --Sebastien Bailard 18:57, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Troubleshooting Tips

Extruder not moving
You need the dimensions module loaded to generate E codes, which drive the extruder.
Heater not heating when raft module disabled
The raft module also controls preheating. To stop printing rafts, simply set the layer-counts in the raft module to 0, rather than disabling it.
Extruder running backwards at start of print
Technically this is not a problem with Skeinforge, but you can make a simple change in Skeinforge to work around it. The issue is caused by manual extrusion (through RepRapHost, RepSnapper) prior to a print changing the E value calculated by your firmware.
To fix, in your start.gcode file add the command 'G92 E0' which resets the E count to 0.
The start.gcode should be in the directory ...\skeinforge_application\alterations where "..." is the directory skeinforge is installed in.
This file needs to be referenced in the "Name of Start File:" entry, under the "Name of Alteration Files" section of the "Preface" tab.
Volume-based extrusion
Skeinforge 040 made some drastic changes to the dimension module (for the better). Check here for help setting it up.