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HOWTO: Building a stripboard Extruder Controller



Tools and consumables

  • A soldering iron and accessories (see Electronics Fabrication Guide).
  • Solder
  • Electric drill or at least a suitable drill bit
  • Some wire for jumpers/links
  • Wire strippers
  • Small pliers or tweezers


  • An 18 pin IC socket
  • U1: PIC16F628 microcontroller
  • U2: SN754410 quad half H-Bridge
  • T1: BD681 darlington NPN
  • R1: 200Ω or 220Ω resistor
  • R2, R3: 1kΩ
  • R4: Reference resistor (*)
  • R5: 200Ω or 220Ω resistor
  • C1: 1μF (*)
  • Connectors. A simple low cost choice is to use header pins and matching sockets. Try to get keyed pins and sockets that prevent you from putting the connector on backwards, because if you do it will most probably destroy the module and possibly other connected modules. Take great care! Alternatively, you can directly solder wires into the board after putting the modules on the machine in which case you don't need any connectors. If you use connectors, you need:
    • J1, J2: four pin connector (for comms)
    • J5, J6: three pin connector
    • J3, J4, J7: two pin connector
  • A piece of stripboard with 2.54mm (0.1") spaced continuous track.

(*) These components must be calculated to match your thermistor. See below.


This is the schematic diagram of the circuit you will be building. See reading a schematic to understand the various parts.


Preparing the board

Making the board

Board connections

The connector pins are numbered from the top of the board down, when looking at it as pictured.

  • J1 Comms in
    1. Comms inward (from previous device in ring)
    2. +12V
    3. +5V
    4. Ground
  • J2 Comms out
    1. Comms outward (to next device in ring)
    2. +12V
    3. +5V
    4. Ground
  • J3 Heater element
  • J4 Thermistor (temperature) sensor
  • J5 Motor chopper sensor (optional)
  • J6 Out of material sensor (optional)
  • J7 DC Motor connector

Final steps

Ensure you have a heatsink attached to the power transistor.

When you first turn the heating element on, start with a low power. Check it is heating as expected and then incrementally check at higher power outputs.


Alternate power transistors

A BD681 is a suitable alternate part to the TIP110 if more readily available. Note however that the pinouts are in the reverse order, so you must either wire the board differently or simply face it in the opposite direction. Also, the BD681 is rated at 4A continuous whereas the TIP110 is only rated at 2A continuous. This means with the BD681 you can heat more quickly and reach a higher temperature -- choose your heating element to suit.

Heating element

The heating element is made from nichrome wire. The correct length must be used to prevent drawing too much current for the power supply to handle or too little current to sufficiently heat the material.

First you must select a suitable power output, in general this should be as high as you can afford in your total energy budget. So for example, if your power supply is rated for 12V@10A and the motors and other parts use 6A at peak, then you have 4A to play with for the heater. Ensure you don't choose a current that is too high for the switching transistor deal with. In the schematic above a TIP-110 is used which can handle 2A continuously and 4A for short pulses. For safety, we will restrict ourselves to 2A.

By Ohm's law, V=IR or equivalently R=V/I. So R = 12V / 2A = 6Ω (ohms). So the desired resistance for the nichrome wire is 6Ω.

If you check the specifications for your nichrome wire, it will have a value in ohms/meter at a given temperature. You want the value at around your anticipated working temperature. The resistance drops as the temperature increases. The dropping resistance raises the temperature, which in turn drops the resistance further. Luckily this doesn't go on forever but it leads to fairly inaccurate power consumption if you don't have it right.

Say your wire is rated at 13.4Ω/m at 208C (as mine is). Then to get the desired 6Ω, you need 6Ω / 13.4Ω/m = 0.447m or around 45 centimeters.

This should be connected with heavy gauge wire and wound around the object to heat (which much be non-conductive or electrically insulated).

Similarly, if you wish to drive 3A, which you can quite happily do with a BD681, you would use 30cm of wire.

If you decide to drive a higher current than your transistor is rated for, remember not to set the output power to full or you will probably damage the transistor (and possibly yourself). Not recommended

How to estimate the resistance at your working temperature if your wire specs only have it for a different temperature


See the files section at the end for firmware.

A snapshot of the latest source is available for viewing


Nothing here yet

If you experience trouble, please share the problems (and resolutions) with us.

See Also

-- Main.SimonMcAuliffe - 03 Feb 2006