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Installing the RepRap software on OS X


RepRap's controlling software is written in Java, and also the Art of Illusion design package for three dimensional objects uses it, so next we need a Java environment. Luckily, Standard Java 5.0 and Java3D are included in Apple's distribution of OS X. Check for updates on Apple's website.


RxTx is the serial communications library that we use to communicate with the RepRap machine. You will need to install it in order to run the host software.

  • [RxTx] from their website.
  • Follow the installation instructions provided.


Java3D is the software that we use to do 3D rendering and such. You will need to install the latest version (1.5.0)

  • Download the Java3D API from Sun.
  • Unzip the download.
  • Unzip the file in the download.
  • Copy everything from the lib/ext folder to /Library/Java/Extensions
  • Download j3d-org-java3d-all.jar from our website.
  • Copy j3d-org-java3d-all.jar to /Library/Java/Extensions

Java OpenGL (JOGL)

These are the OpenGL bindings for Java that should hopefully make the program run faster.

  • Download JOGL 1.1.0 from Sun.
  • Unzip the downloaded file.
  • Copy everything in lib/ to /Library/Java/Extensions

The RepRap Java programs

The host software program is the program that controls the RepRap machine itself. You simply download it and run it.

  • Download the host software from SourceForge.
  • Unzip the host software.
  • Copy the RepRap folder to your Applications directory.
  • Double click the Reprap.jar file, or run the from the command line.

Art of Illusion

  • Download Art of Illusion from their site.
  • Copy the Art of Illusion folder to your Applications directory.
  • Double click the Art of Illusion program to run it.
