Build A Stripboard Bipolar Stepper Controller

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Revision as of 20:44, 25 March 2006 by SimonMcAuliffe (talk) (version migrated from twiki)
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HOWTO: Build A Stripboard Bipolar Stepper Controller



The Stepper controller is responsible for a single motor. There are three such modules in a RepRap or RepStrap. See RepStrap for an overview of all the components.


Tools and consumables

  • A soldering iron and accessories (see Electronics Fabrication Guide).
  • Solder
  • Electric drill or at least a suitable drill bit
  • Some wire for jumpers/links
  • Wire strippers
  • Small pliers or tweezers


  • R1 4.7kΩ
  • R2 1kΩ
  • R3 1kΩ
  • R4 4.7kΩ
  • R5 10kΩ
  • C1 0.1μF
  • C2 0.1μF
  • C3 3nF
  • U1 PIC16F628
  • U2 SN754410 (or a stack of two SN754410s, see below)



Preparing the board

StripboardBipolarStepperController-StepperStripboardUnder 754410.gif

Making the board

StripboardBipolarStepperController-StepperStripboardTop 75440.gif

Board connections


J7 is not required if you are only driving a single motor.


See the files section at the end for firmware for each of the three controllers. The same firmware is used for both the bipolar and unipolar motor controllers.

The network addresses for these are:

  • X-Axis: 2
  • Y-Axis: 3
  • Z-Axis: 4

A snapshot of the latest source is available for viewing


If you experience trouble, please share the problems (and resolutions) with us.

Testing The Unit

See Also

-- Main.SimonMcAuliffe - 11 Mar 2006