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My name is Peter Dorsey and I am in my third semester at The Pennsylvania State University. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering [1]. I intend on graduating in May 2016.


Weekly blogs will be written based on prompts provided by the professor. These blogs are typically related RepRap in one way or another but not always directly.

Blog Number One

A. Something that is amazing/beautiful that I found on thingiverse is: A printable connect four game. The game itself is fun and always amusing! It is amazing because who would't want to own a game they made themselves! The stl can be found here The link to see the Final Project Is as follows IMG 1483 preview featured.jpg

B. Something that is funny/strange that I found on thingiverse is: Are paper party glasses. It is your typical gag glasses that will get a laugh or too at a party I found them funny. The stl can be found here The link to see the Final Project Is as follows IMG 2986 preview featured.jpg

C. Something that is useless that I found on thingiverse is: I found this wasp print go be useless. The file can be found here Here is the Final Project Wasp in hand preview featured.jpg

D. Something that is useful that I found on thingiverse is: A ten way liquid dispenser. This would be great at parties and large gatherings when you need to get a lot of drinks poured for guests at once! The stl can be found here The link to see the Final Project Is as follows Multipot preview featured.jpg

E. The best printable Raspberry Pi case I could find is: This Pi case was an a-typical design that I found appealing to the eye and I liked because it was different. The stl can be found here The link to see the Final Project Is as follows Render 1 preview featured.jpg

Blog Number Two

I am really interested in our recycling project that we are looking into. I find it interesting that we cannot reuse the filament we have already used and wasted and I feel it is very necessary that we finish this project quickly to maximize our printing ability. With this machine we will be able to recycle our old prints that are broken or out of date as well as use plastics such as milk jugs to make new filament for our machines giving us free filament and saving us a lot of money in the long run. I will be starting to work on this project Monday and have looked at the plans and details and feel that it will be a lot of work to make the parts and figure out all we need but the assembly will be quick and easy and will pay off really well. I would also like to look into the dual extruder and learn about our progression with the 3-D printing possibilities we are opening up to our class here at Penn State.

Blog Number Three

I feel Quinn Carpenter has a very well done blog, it is colorful and flows well.

Blog Number Four

The mode of operation presented in the video talks about how you can give away information but because of the nature of information you still retain it. This applies to their business model. This leaves room for people to profit from printing and selling Repraps as well as improvements. However, the greatest part is everyone who has owned or used one can contribute and work will other users to make further improvement. This makes the resources nearly infinite.

The arduino is presented as a tool to inform consumers about something more complex with a simple project. It is akin to a text book. It isn't overly expensive but it is intended for teaching purposes. It is both hard and software and the coding and design are open and available. They made sure everything was simple enough that there was no limitation on who used it. By using having an open source they get free advertising and recognition when their project is used in other projects. They made a point of how google used their design.

The Reprap incorporates the arduino into its design. It is a self replicating project. This allows the consumer to purchase one but produce multiple. Even though this is also an open code that people can improve upon, people who use it selfishly will always lose out. This is because Repraps will always be able to be printed from and 3-D printer making the sale of non replicating printers almost useless.

I do not know of any other companies that use this model but I do think it is a different way of thinking of things. I feel that as far as progress of the project goes it is possibly the best way to go about it. Profit my be better suited using a different model but I can't think of a better way to promote progression.

Blog Number Five

My prints from the first blog did not infringe on any copyrights. They were all open source and for public use. None of them had obvious patented parts. Looking around at other classmates they didn't have any obvious patented or copyrighted parts either. Looking at the video from the last blog, non copyrightable prints would be interesting and beneficial because it would allow others to edit freely and not ask permission while improving designs for the greater good.

Blog Number Six

The class had a lot of great points on last weeks blog and the article was all stated in the same way from each, There were a lot of overlap between my classmates blogs.

Blog Number Seven

I will be talking about the Lyman Filament Extruder and what it will do for our class and the Reprap program at Penn State. When this project is completed it will make all extruded filament reusable. This means that we will not waste any filament again. It will also all us to make our own filament from various plastic recyclables. The Extruder does this by breaking down pellets of filament or plastic and forcing it through a hotplate and out an extruding tip to give us filament with a very similar to the product we purchase now. This means great strides will be available to be made through this one machine. And it will change the entire Reprap program as we know it.

Blog Number Eight

The processes described are a detailed description of the process to expand 3-D printing and evolve its uses. It talks about various applications and how to make printers accessible to students so they can improve them. I feel this is very valuable and it shows how we can apply to many different fields such as architecture and food science as well as engineering.

Blog Number Nine

It is an interesting idea to print a coffee maker. However, it is not worth using the material to print your own when it is cheaper to just buy one.

Blog Number Ten

They have very unique ideas about 3-D printing.

Blog Number Eleven

The most struggling parts of fixing the printers for me is the wiring and electronics systems. It is the most time consuming and requires the most thinking.

Blog Number Twelve

It is more useful for less specific objects but solid works is better for more specialized objects and allows for more detailed objects.

Blog Number Thirteen

This would open up a whole new world for printing just like the water soluble filament did when it was initially released.

Blog Number Fourteen

This allows for a more sturdy printer but it would require more work and bigger repairs when things did go wrong. Our printers are mostly small issues and easy fixes.

Blog Number Fifteen

I feel it would be interesting to see a sand or other material printer as well as a metal printer first hand. It would be nice to see something printed in some other material than filament.

Blog Number Sixteen

A lazer cutter would make prints far more specific on sharp edges and would allow for more detail with larger hot tips.

Blog Number Seventeen

Reddit has a lot of great information and news on 3-D printing.

Blog Number Eighteen

I think it is great that we are able to continue in the progression of 3-D printing with each class here at Penn State and I'm glad I was able to influence this growth.