
From RepRap
Revision as of 17:08, 13 November 2012 by AndrewG (talk | contribs)
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Revised intro to better explain why Printrbot released yet another RepRap motherboard, and what Printrboard brings to the table.

Added images and complete software documentation for bootloader and firmware, including firmware flashing process in Windows. Still need Linux and Mac instructions. Special thanks to Lincomatic for sorting out all AT90USB bootloader options, and for providing several firmware development forks before Printrboards are even on the market.

Added quick hardware overview with pinouts for all major headers.

Added screenshots of current schematic and board layout. Began Revision History section.

--Threedonuts 07:49, 20 March 2012 (UTC)

When programming a new bootloader and changing fuse settings, need to add -u command in avrdude (turns off safemode), at least for the Pololu AVR programmer, didn't work until I did this. If this can be confirmed for other people, add to main article.

--AndrewG 16:01, 13 November 2012 (ETC)