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ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

A very nice Category:Thermoplastic thermoplastic that is stronger, more durable, and more resistant than HDPE. Its a bit pricier, but it has better mechanical properties than plastics such as HDPE.

  • ABS is good because it is easier to buy and easier to extrude well for small parts, compared to PLA
  • ABS is bad because it tends to warp catastrophically on large parts off the build platform unless you use a heated build platform (in which case it is just as nice as PLA and easier to print with!)


ABS creates mild, tolerable fumes while being extruded. This may be a problem for people (or pet birds) with chemical sensitivities or breathing difficulties.

This is caused by the following combustion byproducts: 
???? - --Sebastien Bailard 21:55, 27 April 2010 (UTC)


Check the forums... someone might be able to ship you some for cheap.


Price Supplier
$7.95 / lb
(orders > 10lbs)
$9.50 / lb
(orders < 10lbs)
Call Donna at +1 (330) 854-3010 plasticweldingrod.com and tell them Forrest or Reprap sent you. (5 lb minimum order, delivery on small orders tends to take several weeks, updated 18 February 2009)



Price Supplier
€19,78 / kg From a German RepRap supplier reprapsource.com