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By way of Introduction

Back in the day I spent my free time in the garage of the family home at a small paint and glue blobbed wooden desk under a square paned window facing east. It was bright from the Florida sun and cool from the shade of the garage - ideal conditions for plastic model building. Back in those (mostly) innocent childhood days there were bike rides to the five and dime, games of kick the can, and plenty of tree climbing mixed with a steady stream of adventures but the majority of my time was spent building plastic models.

In the years since then there has been an ongoing stream of computers and programming languages, two engineering degrees in electronics, and a ten year career that was like a slow motion train wreck as I recall, but full of a diverse variety of workplaces, coworker interactions, and knowledge gained. In the thirty five plus years since those plastic model building days, technology has advanced as well and we now have the emergence of 3D printing as an early adopter hobby. I was actually tortured once, for a year in fact, which caused me to end my career and drop out of life but God had other plans.

I know it's not politically correct to say this, yet it's a key part of my story so I will. From the Christian perspective that I now have, I look back over this tale of joy and woe and realize that I've come full circle now. You see, now that I'm into 3D printing I'm back into plastic model building. After all that pain and strife, I get to be that kid in the garage again, this time armed with all that education and experience and knowledge and the progress of technology marching forward for three and a half decades. Before I built the designs that others created; now it's MY turn to create the models the way I want them to be.

And I've learned to be that little kid again in many ways. Growing up is a trap and I really don't recommend it to anyone. That's why I tell people I'm in my second childhood aged 48 going on 11 and this time I refuse to grow up! God looked at the raw material of my mind, my essence, who I had become and He gave me work that I am uniquely suited to do and to enjoy and to share and to love. So keep your suit and your rat race and your cubicle farm prison to yourself, or better yet escape from it, hopefully not as painfully as I did, and do what you truly enjoy. It's the way it ought to be for everyone.


p.s. I promise more techy stuff to follow...

Techy Stuff

I thought of a 3D printed circuit board fabrication method that you can read about here: CopperFabb_TINNIT_PCB_method.

Here is sort of a techie blog about the process of hot rodding my 3D printer. Hot_Rod_ROBO