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This page has not yet finished being moved from TWiki to this MediaWiki. While we are in the process of moving it please refer to RepRapVids

Adrian and Ed's RepRap Introduction

<videoflash type="vimeo">5202148</videoflash>

Erik's RepRap Commercial

<videoflash type="youtube">cRH3RQ2F4Wk</videoflash>

Ericsson Multimedia Video on Adrian

<videoflash type="youtube">xvXHORiDHYM</videoflash>

The First Dutch Reprap Build-Party

<videoflash type="youtube">qq7roeoTM9g</videoflash>

BBC World Service item on RepRap in Arabic

<videoflash type="youtube">StC6BjWP1Dc</videoflash>

RepRap Instructional Videos

Throughout the documentation on this wiki there are a number of instructional videos. They are also gathered together here all in one place.

The video below is an introduction to the Mendel design:

<videoflash type="vimeo">6865848</videoflash>

Video on the key mechanical concepts behind Mendel's axes:

<videoflash type="vimeo">6982104</videoflash>

The following video shows the runs of all the wires in RepRap Mendel:

<videoflash type="vimeo">8397407</videoflash>

Videos on splitting the timing belts that drive Mendel's axes:

<videoflash type="vimeo">7027330</videoflash>

Video of Mendel's Y-axis working:

<videoflash type="blip">AYH27g8A</videoflash>

Video showing how to build on glass with a heated bed. This gives very good reliable results.

<videoflash type="vimeo">17064268</videoflash>

Here's a video showing how to unload a print that has been made, and then set things up for a new one (including mildly amusing Adrian-confusion when the USB port lock has not been cleared). This is for a RepRap with an unheated bed:

<videoflash type="vimeo">11618621</videoflash>

This video shows how to maintain flatness in a RepRap be that is heated. The blue tape on the tray is Scotch painter's masking tape 2090, which can be obtained at most hardware shops:

<videoflash type="vimeo">14317374</videoflash>

This video shows how to tidy up parts post-reprapping:

<videoflash type="vimeo">14492980</videoflash>