MetalicaRap Future Developments

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Live build part heuristic simulation Rather than just remove blob errors on every 10th layer, develop a live model of the build progress of the part and update shape with 3D map of error blobs from scanning electron microscope, then modify following layer G code to take in to account existing blobs during the next layer metal addition , and thereby only intervene subtractively when blobs effects outside of the part.


Polishing Plasma through the addition of argon and a defocused beam, polishing out roughness from a typical powder printed finish Rq of 25 nm to a polished surface Rq of 4 nm is possible , there are other low tech polishing methods that may be easier eg. Tumble finishing. EBeam Polishing [1]

Ion Pump to remove waste vaporized metal.

Focused ion beam / Ion beam etching gun to take dimensions to sub µ level(1µ over 20mmIT0)(Future development issues, SEM measuring absolute distances over a 300mm depth of field in FIB mode .)