Cost Reduction

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This is a page for documenting ideas for reducing the cost of RepRap builds. The first section is a short summary of the current cost structure and then each major category will be split up to be discussed separately. The estimates will be in dollars but the article is meant to be comparative so conclusions should be universal.

The main categories of reprap materials cost are as follows.

RP Parts $60-$100

Steppers $60-$80

Hardware $50-$100

Electronics $120-$200

Hot End $60-$90

Heated Bed $30-$50

Total Cost: $380-$620

RP Parts

The cost of RP parts have come down so far that alternate strategies like cast parts etc. may not be as attractive as they once were. Still if you are solely focused on cost savings then that may help a little. It seems as though the price of RP parts is at an equilibrium state. I doubt that a set of Prusa RP parts will come down much more.

The main path to cost savings in this category therefore is likely to come in new designs that minimize RP part count and print time. This would affect price in two ways. It would decrease the cost and difficulty to produce a set, which would have the added effect of increasing supply as more printers got in the game. Both factors would tend to decrease prices.

TODO: An apples to apples comparison of print time for the main types of RepRap printers would be helpful here. Just need to skein each set with the same settings and put together a table of total print time as reported by skeinforge.


This will likely remain a constant. Small designs like the Huxley that use smaller steppers can reduce this cost somewhat but there may not be much we can do short or long term about this cost.

Moving away from steppers may save some money but seems likely to raise costs in other areas like electronics, and may reduce print quality.


This is already a minimal cost item. New designs with lower overall hardware requirements may bring this down a little but overall savings are limited since the price is already pretty low.

With people going from printed PLA bushings to linear ball bearings, going from threaded rods to aluminium extrusions for the frame, going from printed to bought pulleys I actually see the opposite direction here. People don't mind to make their RepRap more expensive. --Traumflug 07:48, 5 March 2012 (UTC)


Now that the price of RP parts has come down so far, the cost of electronics has become the single largest line item in a RepRap build. This is likely to be a place where significant savings could be had.

Current electronics solutions are split up into three different solutions.

1. Modular designs: These designs are not necessarily aiming for cost effectiveness but rather for easy repair and performance. Currently Gen3 is pretty much an old and deprecated set, while the Makerbot Gen4 is very expensive compared to other designs. This is not likely to be the design paradigm to look to for low cost designs.

2. Arduino shield/daughter board designs: RAMPS is the most common example of this type of electronics. These designs suffer from two different budget busters. First an Arduino must be purchased separately, and the Pololu driver boards are also separate purchases. This means that a RAMPS build will likely be in the $150 to $200 range for the final completed build with drivers and arduino board. The user can save some money by buying the RAMPS board as a kit and doing assembly at home.

3. All in one surface mount boards: Gen 6 is the most common example, though others like Melzi are becoming more common. These designs are made for easy scalability of supply. Since they can be mass manufactured they are much easier to spec for large orders like with the recent IndyGoGo campaigns of Huxley and Printrbot. Unfortunately the fact that very few people are likely to be comfortable building their own surface mount board means that all such boards are generally sold assembled. The cost of assembly generally offsets the advantages of cheaper surface mount components, and integration of the driver chips on board. So most of these boards are likely to be in the $130-$200 range as well. With higher volume, this may be the future cost leader. A surface mount design in large quantity orders may even beat out the DIY boards below as the low price design, but not likely to be so in the short term.

4. All in one DIY boards: This is where cost savings gets serious. When you do a DIY board like Gen7 you are trading your time for cost savings. Unfortunately most DIY designs still suffer from Pololu lock in. You could probably build any of the current all in one boards like Gen7 and Sanguinololu for about $40 depending on how well stocked your junk box is, but you would still have to buy the Pololus which bring the total cost up to about $100.

The main area for cost savings in this category is in elimination of the pololu daughter boards and integration of the driver onto the board. This is the goal of the uncompleted Gen7T electronics design along with some others. There are not many choices of through hole(DIY) driver chips. The toshiba driver in Gen7T is one of the only commonly available drivers that is also available as a through hole component. Trading the four $13 pololu boards for four $4 Toshiba drivers saves about $36. So the cost of a complete electronics set could come down to $60-$70. In larger quantities the cost comes down even more though a DIY kit is likely to be inherently a lower quantity sales item than a complete manufactured electronics set.

Recommendations: The sanquinololu and Gen7 designs are the current price leaders and are fairly well proven designs. For cost conscious buyers this is likely the way to go, but watch out for toshiba based DIY electronics to bring the price way down in the near future.

TODO: A nice table would work well here documenting the cost breakdown for various solutions in categories of component cost, board cost, manufacturing cost, driver cost, and overhead.

Hot End

Commercial hot ends are all in the $60-$90 range except for the $15 hot end from techzone. The techzone hot end suffers from reliability issues due to the oak insulator which degrades over time from the heat and comes with a thermocouple rather than a thermistor which limits compatibility with existing electronics. This may be an area that arguably is not a place to play with cost cutting. A good hot end will more than pay for itself in avoided frustration. DIY options do exist and may work as well as the more expensive milled designs that are mostly sold through retailers. The main reason that hot ends have become a commercial item is the difficulty most people have in making their own. Often a lathe or drill press is required for some of the parts needed for the design which limits the number of people with the equipment and skills necessary to build the design.

TODO: A nice table comparison of DIY designs with categories of materials cost, tools needed, and time required to build would be helpfull here.

Heated Bed

While it is true that you can print without one, most people likely will end up getting one at some time so this is an area for cost cutting. A DIY approach may lower the cost here somewhat. For instance using resistors or nichrome wire as a heating element and wiring it up yourself rather than buying a prusa heated bed circuit board. Another way to go is to get strip board and wire it up as in the ghetto HBP or etch your own PCB.


A RepRap design focusing on minimizing RP parts and hardware costs could shave $50 off the cost of a build, similarly the electronics could come down by about the same amount using a DIY integrated design. A lower cost or more accessible DIY hot end could save $30-$50. This would lower the floor to about $250 or so for a "cheapest" type RepRap build.