Talk:Gada Prize

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Revision as of 16:27, 17 February 2010 by Sebastien Bailard (talk | contribs)
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Q:Do we have to document our work and have it reviewed to stay in the running?

I think it may be best to insist on Full Documentation of the entire Stack on the RepRap wiki, starting the instant you register your team.

Otherwise, we'll get lots and lots of RepRap development in Other Spaces, but none of it going up on the wiki unless or until someone receives a 20,000 or 80,000 dollar check.

This means that every part file and so on live at, as opposed to a proposed entry being a link to a constellation of off-site webpages, parts files, etc.

This would include subassemblies, firmware, most software, and so on.

Also, I would prefer to avoid "Dark Horse" or competitors working in secret or in Other Spaces and then registering and submitting at the last minute of December 31, 2012, but I'm the one who created the registration page.

Thoughts and discussion? The rules only say "Participating teams are expected to regularly publish and make available their technology on an ongoing basis." I believe it is reasonable to hope and expect that people will publish on

I'll ponder this for a while, and then may ask for the Foresight Institute to clarify the rules after we synthesize something that looks reasonable.

--Sebastien Bailard 19:40, 17 February 2010 (UTC)