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Darwin Part Development

This interim page is designed to host the developments required to achieve Darwin's replication. It tracks only the cartesian robot, not the extruder which has already been replicated. Darwin was originally designed with a support material write head in mind. However, it is possible to achieve replication without a support head if some minor design changes are made.

Part Replicated? Who Mod description Modded STL (attached to page)
Bearing-insert-180-X Y Vik
Bearing-insert-180-Z Y Vik
Bearing-insert-360-jam Y Vik
Bearing-insert-360-run Y Vik
Bed-clamp Y Vik
Bed-constraint-bracket Y Vik
Bed-corner Y Vik Internal flat step bevelled, holes on flange teardropped. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Bed-corner-1.1.stl |thumb]]
Corner-bracket Y Vik Squared off corners for strength & to remove bevel. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-corner-bracket-degroof-vik.stl |thumb]]
Corner-bracket-vertical-bolt-plug Y Vik
Diagonal-tie-bracket Y Vik Curved edge replaced with 45 degree step [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Diagonal-tie-bracket-1.1.stl |thumb]]
Fan-base Y Chris
Motor-washer Y Chris A motor shaped washer to replace the recess removed from the motor brackets [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-motor-washer.stl |thumb]]
Optoswitch-bracket Y eD M3 chamfer removed. Clamp hole teared. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Optoswitch-bracket-1.1.stl |thumb]]
PCB-clamp Y Vik
X-belt-clamp Y Vik
X-carriage Y Vik Hole for free-running belt teared. [[X-carriage-degroof.stl |thumb]]
X-constraint-bracket Y Vik
X-idler-bracket Y Vik Axle hole now teardropped, slightly enlarged slots for nuts under Y belt clamp. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-X-idler-bracket-1.1.stl |thumb]]
X-motor-bracket Y Vik Lugs for X axis bars angled, & teared, base modified to take smaller steppers. Y bearings thickened. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-X-motor-bracket-flattened.stl |thumb]]
X-opto-flag Y Vik Bolt hole now teared. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-X-opto-flag-1.1.stl |thumb]]
X-PCB-bracket Y Vik
XY-pulley-idler Y Vik Sloping base flattened, edges of rim bevelled to 45 degrees [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-XY-pulley-idler-1.1.stl |thumb]]
Y-bearing-housing Y Vik Squared off rounded to to increase strength & added strut at base [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Y-Housing-Square-Top.stl |thumb]]
Y-belt-clamp Y eD Chamfers removed [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Y-belt-clamp-1.1.stl |thumb]]
Y-motor-bracket Y Vik Cavity for stepper removed, slots added for smaller steppers. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Y-motor-bracket-vik.stl |thumb]]
Y-motor-coupling Y Vik Grub screw holes teared. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Y-Motor-Coupling-vik degroof.stl |thumb]]
Y-opto-flag Y Vik Mounting hole teared. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Y-opto-flag 1.1.stl |thumb]]
Z-motor-bracket Y Vik Cavity for motor removed, bolt cavity top made conical, corner bracket contact squared off [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Z-motor-bracket-vik.stl |thumb]]
Z-motor-coupling Y Vik
Z-studding-tie Y Vik
Z-toothed-pulley-rim Y Vik Rim thickened for strength. In thick layers, only one or two were deposited on the original. [[File:DarwinPartDevelopment-Z-toothed-pulley-rim-1.1.stl |thumb]]

39 Parts, 30 printed. Some of the unprinted ones aren't needed for PLA.

-- Main.EdSells - 16 Nov 2007