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Extruder Controller


When programmed into a PIC16F628 (default), the pinouts are:

Device pinouts

  1. RA2/AN2/Vref ...... Cooler output
  2. RA3/AN3/Cmp1 ......
  3. RA4/T0CK1/Cmp2 .... Reserved for LED output
  4. RA5/MCLR/Vpp ......
  5. Vss ............... Ground
  6. RB0/INT ........... Heater PWM output
  7. RB1/RX/DT ......... RX
  8. RB2/TX/CK ......... TX
  9. RB3/CCP1........... Extruder motor PWM output
  10. RB4/PGM ........... Forward signal
  11. RB5 ............... Reverse signal
  12. RB6/T1OSO/T1CK1/PGC Feedstock empty sensor
  13. RB7/T1OS1/PGD ..... Motor position opto-interrupter input
  14. Vdd ............... +5V
  15. RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT ... Temperature slope A/D test charge
  16. RA7/OSC1/CLKIN .... Temperature slope A/D thermistor charge
  17. RA0/AN0 ........... -
  18. RA1/AN1 ........... Temperature slope A/D input


[0] Get Version

Returns the version of the module. This message is the only message universally supported by all devices and is therefore useful as a test.


  • None


  • 1 byte: Response type (0)
  • 1 byte: minor version number
  • 1 byte: major version number

[1] Set forward motion

Starts the motor turning indefinitely in a forward direction. If the motor reaches the maximum position sensor (as defined by the maximum optointerrupter input), motion will stop.


  • 1 byte: Speed to turn (0 to 255)


  • Nothing

[2] Set reverse motion

Starts the motor turning indefinitely in a reverse direction. If the motor reaches the minimum position sensor (as defined by the minimum optointerrupter input), motion will stop.


  • 1 byte: Speed to turn (0 to 255)


  • Nothing

[3] Set position counter


  • 1 byte: low order byte of 16 bit position counter
  • 1 byte: high order byte of 16 bit position counter


  • Nothing

[4] Get position counter

[5] Seek to position


  • 1 byte: Speed to move (1 to 255)
  • 1 byte: low order byte of 16 bit position counter
  • 1 byte: high order byte of 16 bit position counter

[6] Power down motor (torque off)

This is provided for compatibility with the Stepper Motor Controller API. In the case of the Extruder, this just stops extrusion. It is equivalent to setting the speed to 0.


  • None


  • Nothing

[7] Enable asynchronous notifications

[8] Check if material is empty

[9] Set heater output

[10] Get current heater temperature

[50] Set PWM period

Low level control to fine-tune motor usage. Should not normally be needed, but adjusting these values may optimise torque at certain speeds.

[51] Set prescaler

[52] Set voltage reference

Used to re-range the A/D temperature measurements to give the best possible precision. The general principle of ranging is to select the value that provides the largest possible temperature reading without overflowing beyond 255.


A PIC16F628 code image is available from SourceForge. The firmware responds to address 8.

See Also

-- Main.SimonMcAuliffe - 03 Apr 2006