Duct Tape RepStrap

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Crystal Clear action run.png
Duct Tape RepStrap

Release status: experimental

Blue duct tape reprap 1.jpeg
an attempt to bootstrap a 3d printer without already having a 3d printer
CAD Models
none needed
External Link

The researchers Alistair, Carl, and guest star Remy build the Duct Tape RepStrap. The Duct Tape RepStrap is an experiment in bootstrapping a working 3D printer without initially having any 3D-printed plastic parts -- with all the *other* parts of a RepRap (perhaps the Prusa Mendel (iteration 2) ?), substituting a few small bits of MDF and a lot of duct tape for the 3D printed plastic parts.

The goal is to hold together long enough to print the most critical replacement plastic part at horrible quality (but better than duct tape), and gradually bootstrap using the Ship of Theseus approach to a fairly good-quality 3D printer.

Do we really need *all* the standard Prusa plastic parts to get good quality? Or is duct tape an adequate replacement for many parts?

Rough draft -- please help fill in details

Further reading