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2015 January

This is in addition to my original build log

The current task is to print Emmet's Gear Bearing.

With the "Perimeter width Test object" calibration block printed ok and seemed fine, emmets gear bearing is fused. The filament diameter and E-steps correction (Skeinforge) and extrusion multiplier (Slic3r) were tweaked until the Perimeter width Test object printed with the BOX width slightly LESS than 10mm and the SEAT opening was slightly greater than that. The 10mm box was 9.6 mm and the 10mm seat was 9.8 mm. However, there were gaps in the top solid layers. Ptining Emmet's gear bearing resulted in fused gears. So, back to the first principles. Re-check the machine calibration before adjusting the tolerances of the part itself.

Previous firmware

Last time I did calibration (November 26, 2011), I did not really know what I was doing. Here are my notes:

  Arduino tool -> D:\program_extra\arduino-0023 -> D:\program_extra\Sprinter\Sprinter.pde
            Serial.println("start heater Cal test 20111126");
             #define MOTHERBOARD 62
             float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {57.2655, 57.2655, 3200/1.25,700}; 
             #define BAUDRATE 115200

             const int X_MAX_LENGTH = 190;
             const int Y_MAX_LENGTH = 180;   //20111126 DAW - Fender washers
             const int Z_MAX_LENGTH = 94;
  NOTES: Edit files and upload new firmware to Sanguino using  "upload" icon (python) -> 
port COM3
baud 115200
monitor printer (checked)
connect... (connecting..)   Printer is now online
ok T:22 B:0

NOTE: PLA = 185 c  ABS = 230 c -> Settings -> Options:

    bed_size_x = 200.0 -> 190 ? 
    bed_size_y = 200.0 -> 180 ?


Y axis is still 180 mm X axis is now 200 mm (below 50 mm) but 150 mm above 50 mm (the extruder motor would hit the frame!!!)

Z axis is 90 mm ( but I have to be carefull of frame for prints taller than 50 mm Z)

Hobbed bolt is different, now it grips consistently. I think I fixed this but did not go back and redo print calibration.

Print Calibration Process

I will use Triffid Hunter's Calibration guide.

Since I am unfamilliar with this process, I will copy the relevant instruction, and replace the formula with my printer's information. This will form my checklist to ensure I don't miss a step.


  • A tool to precisely measure 100mm. A vernier caliper is ideal: Harbor freight digital caliper $4
  • A tool to precisely measure something 0.5mm wide. A micrometer is ideal, but a vernier caliper will do: Harbor freight digital caliper $4
  • Know your stepper motors' full steps per revolution value. steps = 360 / angle, so 1.8° = 200 steps: my 1200 pololus are 1.8° = 200 steps
  • Know your stepper drivers' microsteps setting. Most Pololus are set to 16x.: -- my Pololus are 16x
  • Know the number of teeth on your pulleys. T5 belt: X axis 11 teeth; Y axis 11 teeth
  • Know your belt pitch! XL and T5 belts /look/ the same, but the difference is important!: T5 belt
  • Know the number of teeth on your extruder gears, or at least the gear ratio.: Large Gear: 43 teeth. Small Gear: 10 teeth. Ratio 43:10
  • Remove all sources of backlash. Your parts won't be usable as calibration pieces if you have lash! : No lash that I can detect at this time,; belts are tight.
  • Open the Online RepRap Calculator to find XY and E steps, layer heights, and acceleration. - must figure this out after I complete the above.


Notice that steps per mm are calulated separately for each of Extruder, Z axis, and XY axiis (X and Y have the same pullies)

XY steps

...Using belts and pulleys, the XY steps-per-mm can be accurately calculated using your motor, pulley, and belt characteristics, and once set they shouldn't need to be calibrated further. Check. The basic formula is:

 xy_steps_per_mm = (motor_steps_per_rev * driver_microstep) / (belt_pitch * pulley_number_of_teeth)
 xy_steps_per_mm = (200 * 16) / (5 * 11) 
 xy_steps_per_mm = (3200 ) / (55) 
 xy_steps_per_mm = 58.181818

Z steps

...Using threaded rods for the Z axis. So to calculate how far the Z axis moves for each revolution of the motor, first you need to know how much rotation is being transmitted to the Z rods, and then use the "thread pitch" of the rod (distance-per-revolution) to determine the vertical motion.

The basic formula to calculate motion on a rotating rod is:

z_steps_per_mm = (motor_steps_per_rev * driver_microstep) / thread_pitch 
z_steps_per_mm = (200 * 16) / 1.25  [98861A080 M8 1,25 pitch threaded rod from McMaster Carr]
z_steps_per_mm = (3200) / 1.25 
z_steps_per_mm = 2560           // NEMA 17 with standard pitch M8 threaded rod:

E steps

... "Wade" extruders use a NEMA motor to drive a large reduction gear that turns a "hobbed bolt." [this is mine]


....For a typical Wade extruder, the hobbed bolt will be made from an M8 bolt, and its "effective diameter" will be around 7mm. ... This is just a starting point to get close to the correct value, I'll measure and calibrate to get the exact value later.

The standard formula is:

e_steps_per_mm = (motor_steps_per_rev * driver_microstep) * (big_gear_teeth / small_gear_teeth) / (hob_effective_diameter * pi)
e_steps_per_mm = (200 * 16) * (43 / 10) / (7 * pi)
e_steps_per_mm = 3200 * 4.3 / (21.9911)
e_steps_per_mm = 625.70629055

Some typical examples:

// Gregstruder with a 43:10 gear ratio (200 * 16) * (43 / 10) / (7 * 3.14159) = 625.70681

    • Note Error on Triffid hunter's page **

Online RepRap Calculator

Check results for:

RepRap Calculator mine result calc results comment
XY steps 58.18 58.1818 OK 17.1875 micron
Z steps 2560
E steps 625.70629055
layer heights n/a 0.29375, 0.3, 0.30625 0.3 is the number to use
acceleration n/a 3000 for speed of 150 mm/s 3000


The instructions said to remove the extruder to not waste filament. I don't want to remove the extruder, it would risk damage from disaambly and re-assembly. So I will use a 500 mm scrape and run it through the extruder.

At the entrance to the extruder I marked a zero point. Also at 100 mm, 110mm, and 120 mm. Commanded printer to extrude 100 mm. The filament stopped at about 99.5 mm.

new_e_steps = old_e_steps * (100 / distance_actually_moved) new_e_steps = old_e_steps * (100 / 99.5)

in firmware, old_e_steps = ??? (lost old source code when last hard drive failed, redo SPRINTER from source)

OOPS! Step 6 on Triffidhunter's instructions says "repeat ... until you get between 96-104mm. Then continue with this guide. You'll dial it in perfectly later on." So I will stop at 99.5 mm feed for 100 mm commanded and continue will the calibration.

Z height

'At Z=0, you should be able to have a single piece of paper between your nozzle and the bed, and move it with a little "grabbing" but not quite enough to bend the paper when you push it. This is a simple, quick and effective test to use when levelling your bed. This small gap almost perfectly compensates for thermal expansion, which causes your hot-end to actually get longer as it heats up! '

So, COLD the gap between the nozzle and the bed should grab but not bend when pushed. HOT the nozzle should be true zero when commanded to zero (Z home).

NOTE on 3 point / 6 spring bed

Three points determine a plane, 4 point determine space. I found that I could easily get any three points on the same plane, but it was almost impossible to get a bed level with four corner screws.

So I started with a standard 4 corner bed, with retractable pen springs on each of the four bed leveling screws. On the left side I added another (fifth) hole mid way between the two left side holes. To keep is even, I also added a final (sixth) hole midway bewteen the right leveling screws as well. Now I have two levelint screws on the the right and one leveling screw on the left. This leaves the left side with only one spring supporting the bed. I added screws and springs (but no nuts) to the corner holes on the left, and added a screw and spring (but no nut) to the middle hole on the right.

The result is there are three leveling screws, but still the bed is supported on both sides by the same number of springs. I need only adjust the leveling screws and measue the resultant clearance with the extrude directly above each levelung screw. I do have to go around twice, but when I notice I'm only chnaging by a quarrter or eight of a turn, I imagine the bed is pretty level.

The final measurement is the exact center of the bed. This turns out to be slightly tighter than the over the leveling screws, the mirror I use ass print surface might be a tad wwarped. I have to back out the Z endstop adjustment screw an additiona 1/8 turn to pass the paper test

Layer height, Extrusion width

Best results are obtained when layer height < 80% of nozzle diameter, and extrusion width >= nozzle diameter.

Nozzle diameter is 0.5 mm, 80% is 0.40 mm, so layer height should be less than 0.40 mm.

Layer height should be less than 0.30 mm should be fine.

Extrusion width >= nozzle diameter, so Extrusion width 0.60 mm >= 0.5 mm.

'You can use a lower layer height (than 0.30 mm) or larger extrusion width (than 0.60 mm) if you wish, it will work fine.'

You can use a lower layer height or larger extrusion width if you wish, it will work fine.

Ok (for this printer) to use these layer heights 0.40, 0..35, 0.30, 0.25, 0.20, 0.15, 0.10, 0.05