Generation 3 Electronics/Tech Zone Remix/How to

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I'm writing as a manual to the "TechZone Electronics Kit"... Please feel free to edit any errors or discrepancies... feel free to add to this page...

This page (as of now) is purposely not linked inside the wiki... (the ground-work needs to be laid-out first and pics need to be uploaded... so here we go...

Befor We Begin... Things You Should Know...

First: (Kiymberly, Here's your cue!!! this parts all YOU!)

389483rd... The TechZone electronics kit comes with Makerbot firmware by default! This means that the ReprepMendel firmware needs to be uploaded to the motherboard and extruder-board to pre-configure them before you start connecting/testing them...

The USB/TTL Board

To begin we need to clearly mark the ground pin of the serial connection... (here we need a pic of the board pointing out the ground pin and marking it with a sharpie...)

The Main Motherboard

text (here we need a pic of the mother board labeling the pins... by needed connections..

Connecting The Motherboard to the USB/TTL board to Load Firmware

Making the Connection

Making Your Cables (Insulation Displacement Connectors)


The Jumper Technique...

This is a solution I came up with to upload the needed firmware for setup, bench testing and for troubleshooting cable problems... As you can see from the pictures below I used reversible jumpers that I pulled from old computer parts. *Note if you use this technique on the extruder board, you will need to flip the USB/TTY board up-side-down... due to the fact that the ground pin on the extruder board is on the opposite side!

Jumpers example.JPG Attaching Jumpers.JPG Jumpers mother-board 1.JPG Jumpers mother-board 2.JPG

Uploading Firmware

Once you have connected your USB/TTL interface to your motherboard you can upload the Motherboard 5Gfirmware for the first-time!!! see Microcontroller_firmware_installation

The processes of uploading firmware are the same as the Makerbot set... The only diffrence is that the jumper to upload firmware is already installed... Microcontroller_firmware_installation

The Extruder Board


Uploading Firmware

Jumpers Again? Yep

Making the Connection

12 Volt power

Rs485 Connection

Step/Direction Connection


Stepper Motor Connection

CD-Rom Audio Cable Technique

The Stepper Board


Making the Connection

Making a 10pin IDC Cable

Some things on this topic have already been coverd...Electronic_wiring#Stepper_wiring

Make 2 out of an IDE cable


Make a breakout to use a Stepper Board to drive your stepper extruder motor... (optional Stepper board needed)


Making the Connection

The Opto End-stop
