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Cycloidal Extruder Drive

Release status: Concept

Gearbox for a direct drive extruder based on a cycloidal drive
CAD Models
External Link


Running a delta printer with a Bowden-style type extruder, many people have been looking into alternatives for a more direct filament feed response (especially when using flexible materials) while still keeping the dynamics of a lightweight effector system. There are a bunch of options out there and each one has it's specific strengths...

Project Target

  • Use a small, lightweight and powerful NEMA8/NEMA11-stepper to drive a filament drive gear (like MK8 or others)
  • Minimize gearbox package through choosing a cycloidal drive system (gearbox ratio probably between 36:1 and 10:1)
  • Setup a potential alternative to the outphased NMB PG35L-048

Build v0.1


Quickly check general feasibility using some existing components:


  • Gearbox ratio: Some simple engineering calculations based on required feed-forces for 3mm filament and comparisons with existing extruder solutions propose for the 4Ncm stepper a gearbox ratio of approx. 20:1. Having an existing CAD model of a small cycloidal gearbox with a ratio of 36:1, this one was simply adopted.
  • STEP-files of the assembly with detailed components, simplified geometry for the core parts (for simplifying mods) and some tools/jigs which help you to assemble this thing: Media:CycloExtruder


Make & Assemble (not easy...)

  • Print the parts: PLA, 2 perimeters, 100% infill, layer height 0.1mm, go slowly for the gears (15mm/sec or less)
  • Tune the excenter's bore to make it go gently (!) over the motor shaft and you can remove it gently again (this is a design weekness...)
  • Tune the excenter so you can assemble the bearings smoothly
  • Press fit the bearings into the excenter gears, push them over the excenter
  • Bolt the ring gear with the M2 screws to the stepper
  • Mount the excenter/excenter gears over the motor shaft as follows:
    • Make the D-shaft look to the left side
    • Align the marking dot of the lower gear exactly to the right side
    • Align the marking dot of the upper gear exactly to the left side
    • Make sure this position is kept, while the excenter gears enter the ring gear
  • Press fit the 5mm shaft into the output carrier (using the shaft-mask tool for perpendicular assembly)
  • Press fit the 12 2mm dowel pins into the output carrier (the pin-mask tool and the pin-support-ring tool will help you)
  • Assemble all the rest

Test & Validate

  • Attached to an Azteeg X5, v1.1
  • Motor current: 0.55A, 32 microsteps, 10500 steps/mm
  • Retract: 0.5mm, 5mm/sec
  • Speed: up to 80mm/sec, 0.4mm nozzle, 0.2mm layer height
  • Did some very basic tests (10x10x5 blocks, Dia30 cylinders), in summary 1 hour printing


  • It prints
  • No lost steps while extruding and retracting
  • Some waivy surface appearance (compared to Bowden setup), probably related to poor tolerances
  • Motor temperature: reasonable warm
  • No specific noise
  • No signs of gear wear after tear down, running without grease
  • Works basically - v0.1 objectives met


Build v0.2

Objective | Design | BOM | Make & Assemble | Test & Validate | Results
