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//This is just plain text, not formatted yet, it tells how I did get there, and why am I here and Who am I, please excuse a few days before it'll be correctly formatted and presented.

Hello 3D printing World, I'm Nazmi, nice to meet you, I've been lurking this wiki when I was discovering the internet (back in 2009-2010, I saw the Darwin and the Mendel (maybe the Huxley was here too (I don't remember exactly)), I wanted to build a Darwin but of course, I was 10 years old, and even though I understood the idea behind FDM printing "hot glue gun like", and how the mechanics of the darwin worked (with the plastic parts, the threaded rods, the smooth rods, lead screws?, ...) it didn't go much further than dreaming of such a machine (I remember that because I couldn't understand the electronics that controlled it, I imagined a joystick+buttons that would make it manually controlled).

Then, two-three years later, I gained interest on the subject back when I randomly visited the reprap wiki and saw all the new designs that had popped out, like the prusa, and especially the I2, in september 2013, I bought a plastic kit in Spain from ebay and started to gather all the parts I could, starting locally to eventually see I was being scammed (for example: 20€ for a meter of T20 belt, dozens of € for a pulley and of course with delays of a few weeks), then I started buying in china and eventually I had an alsmost complete I2 BOM (I was missing some screws (even though I spent 40€ in them locally), belts and pulleys, smooth rods, ...) that was until I did post a topic on the reprap forums (french section) in the mid 2014, then I heard about the I3 as a great machine (I thought it was only a prototype) and in october 2014, I switched from an I2 project to an I3 project, it was painfully hard to find what parts I needed (impossible to find reliable BOMs (at least I thought)) and eventually I was discouraged, then we jump to May 2015, I was talking about random stuff with family and for some reason, we talked about 3D printing and I remembered about my "Reprap project, do not touch, property of Nazmi" labeled white box full of stuff that cost me an arm and that was gathering dust waiting to be used for something useful and I searched infos and eventually I did find this build log:, I saw what I needed to buy and started to make lists, I went to hardware stores, Ebay, Aliexpress, ... and also Paoparts, bricovis and Charlies3Dtechnologies, at them I bought a lot of stuff and eventually, I had almost everything (except the plastic parts for an I3 and the frame), searching for 3D printed parts, I did connect to the Reprap's IRC and I found out that I was better going for sur-mesure so I started looking on how to play with openSCAD, the fact that I did switch to 100% Linux on the beginning of 2015 simplified my labor and eventually, I did end with a folder full of .STL files. I tried local again (in a high-school, they made a makerspace) but it didn't go as expected (we tried to meet but cancellation after cancellation from both sides, I forgot about it and decided to order online), I tried a Spanish company again, asked them to print me the parts I needed but it didn't go as expected too (I wasn't sure of the parts I generated), then I went on the reprap-fr IRC and heard about the Itopie, I quickly saw that it was easy to get the parts and easy to make (it was in november 2015) so I switched for that machine, so I needed a frame and a plastic kit (which I just got a few days ago (second week of 2016)), and now (January the 10 of 2016) I'm building my machine and waiting to help enhance the reprap project as much as I will be able to, I noticed for example that it's really hard for a beginner to find the needed ressources and also a lot of stuff is poorly/not documented, I'll try to help in these domains, also I do a bit of electronics and PCB designing/making so I'll try to help in that stuff too.

Who am I ?

As you may have read, i'm Nazmi, I'm French, 16., I'm a student, tinkering around a lot of stuff coming from geology to electronic circuits making. I'm not too much in programming (although I believe I have to start getting serious about that), I'm for free software/hardware/culture/plants/... and use things under free licenses/no licenses as much as I can and publish as much as I can from my work in such licenses, well, it's 2.5AM, I can't go further tonight

May the 4th: Since I wrote that text, I finished my 3D printer build, I'm actually getting it to work as expected and I'm preparing to give it upgrades