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Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: concept


an easy to build repstrap
CAD Models
none, true repstrap
External Link


Erasmus was the granddad of Charles Darwin. In his book Zoonomia he wrote "...shall we conjecture that one and the same kind of living filament is and has been the cause of all organic life?" So if his name is not a fitting name for a repstrap, then I don't know which is.

I know I am late to the party with building a Repstrap in 2021 with all the cheap chinese printer kits around, but the idea of bootstrapping a self replicating machine has a beauty to it which I find very intriguing. So here it goes:

My Repstrap is mostly derived from the popular Prusa i3 Mk1/ MkII and heavily inspired by the iTopie and the "Easy wooden Repstrap" by user skeat and a bunch of others .

Key features

The focus of this repstrap was ease of construction. Also, most of the vitamins and the frame should be reuseable for the actual printer. To not have to deal too much with the (kind of hard to assemble) threaded rods as structural parts, it mostly uses wood for the frame. The printed parts of the original Prusa MkI are replaced by simple wooden parts and a lot of hot glue. For upgradeability the wooden parts are very compatible with the original printed parts. So these can then be replaced bit by bit with the original parts further down the line. Unlike other repstraps there is no need to build a completely new machine. The frame of the repstrap and the vitamins can be reused. Finally you should end up with a bootstrapped i3.

Only basic tools like a drill and a jigsaw are needed. A drillpress is very helpful though.

The extruder used, although working, is probably the first thing that gets replaced by a 3D printed part.