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Maureen is an open source SLA printer based off of commodity DLPs.

"It takes a thousand men to invent a telegraph, or a steam engine, or a phonograph, or a photograph, or a telephone, or any other Important thing-- and the last man gets the credit and we forget the others. He added his little mite--that is all he did." Mark Twain

Here is a list of important stuff that needs to be done anyone can do this.

TODO [ ]: Get KitBOM embedded BOM to show up.

TODO [ ]: Fill in infobox (see other project pages for markup if needed)

TODO [ ]: get parts list for Z-stage from here and add to BOM.

TODO [ ]: build Z-stage, take pictures and write up documentation

TODO [ ]: Create a first pass of CAD files for support structure: something to mount the DLP to and something to hold the vat.

TODO [ ]: create CAD files for acrylic vat

TODO [ ]: write up how to modify DLP for this project

TODO [ ]: research/write up software stack

This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: unknown

No image available.png
CAD Models
External Link

There is a an awesome version of such a printer at B9Creator. The plans for this have not yet been released.

You can also join the #lemoncurry chat on IRC for pressing questions.

A very active group discussing the printers can be found here

Some theoretical documentation and lots of links can be found at Lemoncurry.

Sub components:

1. structural frame

2. Z-stage dipping mechanism

3. Vat

 3.1 Vat Cad Files
 Vat SliderFile:Vat slider.pdf

4. Electronics

5. DLP projector

<iframe id='kitbom_bom' src='' style='height:480px;;width:720px;border:1px solid #aaa;margin:0;padding:0'></iframe> Project Bill of Materials on KitBOM