A4988 vs DRV8825 Chinese Stepper Driver Boards/ru

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Комбинация из Arduino Mega 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 представлена (December 2014) широко доступна и широко используется для управления 3D принтера, либо в виде оригинальных компонентов, либо чаще из недорогих "Сделано в Китае" клонов. Точно так же недорогие "Pololu-style" stepper driver boards которые подключаются напрямую на плату RAMPS (обычно используется четыре или пять stepper driver boards) доступны из Китая с двумя различными шаговыми драйверами ICs, а именно Allegro A4988 и Texas Instruments DRV8825.

Пока "Сделанные в Китае" DRV8825 stepper driver boards наиболее близкие или идентичные клоны оригинального Pololu DRV8825 stepper driver boards, A4988 driver наиболее близкий или идентичный клон StepStick stepper driver boards. The StepStick driver boards совместим по контактам с Pololu A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, но имеет отличия в разводке печатной платы, которая бесплатно доступна под лицензией GPLv2.

Inexpensive "Made in China" RAMPS 1.4 board without stepper driver boards.

Насколько дорого эти stepper driver boards могут стоить? Ну, прямо сейчас партия из пяти "Сделано в Китае" A4988 stepper driver boards стоит примерно $6.80, в то время как аналогичный набор из пяти "сделано в Китае" DRV8825 stepper driver boards доступен примерно за $10. Некоторые DRV8825 можно найти по цене $1.62 за штуку.

A4988 and DRV8825 stepper driver boards side by side. A different A4988 based stepper driver.

This situation begs for some interesting questions: is it worth getting DRV8825 stepper driver boards instead of the more popular A4988 boards or not? Which one is the better choice for my 3D printer? Which one is more reliable / less unreliable? Can I mix A4988 boards with DRV8825 boards? Are there any caveats to using either driver board that I should be aware of?

This page is an attempt to provide sufficient information to make a rational choice and answer these and other related questions, if possible.

A4988 and DRV8825 stepper driver boards, underside. A different A4988 based stepper driver.

A4988 stepper driver board

I am pretty confident that the Allegro A4988 is an utterly tested and proven solution to drive stepper motors in RepRap 3D printers, and this fact should not be overlooked. As long as the following three conditions are met, these Made in China Allegro A4988 stepper driver boards seem to be bullet-proof workhorses:

  1. The stepper driver boards should not be inserted backwards in their respective slots on the controller board (Doh!).
  2. The stepper cables should not be disconnected from the boards while powered on.
  3. Proper airflow (i.e. active cooling or in other words, a fan) should be provided.

Incredibly enough that last condition is often not met, as many 3D printer kits seem to dispense with the use of a fan blowing some cool air over the controller and stepper driver boards and depend solely on convection / radiation. It is up to the users/builders to later add a fan on their own... or suffer the consequences!

An inexpensive "Made in China" Pololu-style stepper driver board based on the popular Allegro 4988 IC.

Не самое лучшее качество печатной платы и припоя, которое я видел в своей жизни, но ... она работает!