Firmware FAQ

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If you have a question answered, you should post what it was and how you fixed it here.

General FAQ

MotherBoard FAQ

Arduino displays "Programmer Not Responding"

There are a number of problems that cause this, but the most predominant is mis-timed resetting. On the Sanguino-derived gen-3 motherboard, you need to press the reset button in order to upload the firmware to it. This can be tricky, because not all computers are equal and may compile the firmware in different spans of time. You want to press reset as soon as you see the "Binary sketch size: X bytes (of a X byte maximum)" message. If the error continues, check your cables.

Serious "WTF" errors

Anything that has no obvious answer.

Errors with Compiling

When the compiler in the Arduino software fails before even uploading anything, you have a compiler error.

Motherboard Firmware

Nothing known yet.

Extruder Firmware

"o: In function `__vector_11': multiple definition (...)"

Known for Arduino 0018, all OSs. This is an issue with the servo library included in the Arduino environment. A fix may be had by removing the offending sections of servo.cpp. When the error appears, there should be text highlighted in the Arduino window. This is a function that is not needed, so perform some ninja C++ and remove it. You may do this by deletion or the more elegant (yet kludge) "#if 0 {function} endif" method. Either way, you should remove the entire function such that none of it runs. Like so:

#if 0
blah blah blah (Function Name)
blah blah blah (Function Content)

Example available here Originally Submitted by Ben_R.