Gen7 Board 1.4.1/zh cn

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Gen7 Board History   --   Gen7 Board is part of Generation 7 Electronics

译者备注:此文本正在处于翻译当中。有任何不便敬请见谅。This document is under translation. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.

本文用于替代Gen7 Board 1.3.1Gen7 Board 1.4。关于如何从v1.3.1升级到v.4,请参阅 从v1.3.1升级到v1.4。关于如何从v1.4升级到v1.4.1,请参阅 Gen7 Board v1.4

注意:本页面很多图片依然使用带有巨大散热片的Gen7 v1.4版本。这些图片将被最终替换掉。在图片替换前,请忽略这些散热片:-)

Crystal Clear action run.png
Generation 7 Electronics Board

Release status: working

Gen7 Board 1.4.jpeg
Generation 7 Electronics
CAD Models
External Link




您可以从Traumflug获取Gen7 PCB板。

Gen7用于RepRap项目的加工,您自然可以自己制作PCB板。关于如何在RepRap或者其他通用铣床上制作,已经在 Gen7主页中描述。您也可以在 Gen7主页上找到发布文档,Gerbers文件,PDF文件等。








  • Pololu步进电机驱动器(The Pololu Stepper Drivers)需要两个单行八针阴头连接座焊在主板上。
  • Pololu步进电机驱动器带有阳头接口,因此不需要单独购买。
  • 别忘记准备充足的跳线帽(8-9个)。
  • 即使脚印(footprint)标称了“0.125”,电阻器也需要0.25瓦的安全功率。
  • Pololu工作电压最大到35伏,因此电解电容也需要相应的电压(译者注:至少)。
  • 您可能还需要连接件的一些电缆,插头和压线。



名称 数量 标识 供货商 备注
0.6毫米导线 50厘米 Völkner Digi-Key Mouser 用于单面PCB板飞线用
电阻 10欧 2 R11, R12 Reichelt RS
电阻 560欧 2 R14, R22 Reichelt Völkner Farnell RS Digi-Key Mouser
电阻 1K欧 6 R2, R6, R8, R10, R16, R18 Reichelt Völkner Farnell RS Digi-Key Mouser
电阻 4.7K欧 2 RT1, RT2 Reichelt Völkner Farnell RS Digi-Key Mouser
电阻 10K欧 1 R30 Reichelt Völkner Farnell RS Digi-Key Mouser
二极管 1N4004 2 D1, D2 Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-Key Mouser
电感(Coil) 100 uH 1 L1 Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-Key Mouser
晶振 16 MHz 或者 20 MHz 1 U6 Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-Key Mouser
复位按钮 1 RESET Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-Key Mouser
陶瓷电容 0.1 uF 12 C5, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C16, C17, C18, C19 Reichelt Völkner Farnell RS Digi-Key Mouser
LED 3毫米绿色 3 LED2, LED5, +5V Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-Key Mouser
LED 3毫米黄色 1 Standby Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-key Mouser
陶瓷电容 22 pF 2 C3, C4 Reichelt Völkner Farnell RS Digi-Key Mouser
电解电容 10 uF 2 CT1, CT2 Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-key Mouser
电解电容 100 uF 4 C1, C2, C6, C7 Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-Key Mouser
跳线座双针一排 4 对 J2/J3, J5/J6, J8/J9, J11/J12 Reichelt RS Digi-Key Mouser 裁切到合适长度
跳线座单针一排 2 J13, J14 Reichelt Völkner RS Digi-Key Mouser 裁切到合适长度
为上述跳线座准备的跳线帽 9 Reichelt RS Digi-Key Mouser
ICSP插头 1 CONN6 Reichelt RS Digi-Key Mouser alternatively, assemble this out of the remainings of the Jumper 2 Pin Headers
Pololu插头 8或4 U2, U3, U4, U5 Reichelt Völkner Digi-Key Mouser 如果可以将它们裁切到合适的长度。你需要 8 x 8 针的
ATmega插座 1 U1 Reichelt Völkner Farnell Digi-Key Mouser
ATmega 1284P-PU 1 Reichelt RS Mouser
替代:ATmega 644-20PU(或者644P-20PU) 1 Reichelt Farnell Digi-Key Mouser
场效应管 MOSFET IRFZ 44N 1 Q1 Reichelt Völkner Farnell RS Digi-Key Mouser
场效应管 MOSFET IRLB 8743 1 Q2 RS Mouser


名称 数量 标识 供货商 备注
Molex KK100 2针插座 2 TEMP_EXT, TEMP_BED Reichelt RS DigiKey Mouser
为上述准备的电缆连接头 2 Reichelt RS DigiKey Mouser
为上述准备的压接接触件(Crimp Contact) 4 Reichelt RS DigiKey Mouser
Molex KK100 3针插座 3 X_MIN, Y_MIN, Z_MIN Reichelt RS DigiKey Mouser Reichelt已经被验证可以与Molex完全兼容
为上述准备的电缆接头 3 Reichelt RS DigiKey Mouser
为上述准备的压接接触件 9 Reichelt RS DigiKey Mouser same as for TEMP_EXT, TEMP_BED above
Molex KK100 4针插座 4 X_MOT, Y_MOT, Z_MOT, E_MOT Reichelt RS
为上述准备的电缆接头 4 Reichelt RS
为上述准备的压接接触件 16 Reichelt RS DigiKey Mouser
Molex KK100 6针插座 1 SERIAL RS DigiKey Mouser 可用此替换用作2针跳线座
可选:为上述准备的电缆接头 1 RS DigiKey Mouser 只有您打算焊一个自己的USB-TTL电缆才需要
可选:为上述准备的压接接触件 6 RS DigiKey Mouser 只有您打算焊一个自己的USB-TTL电缆才需要
加热器插座 Molex 26-48-1045(2针) 2 HEATER_EXT, HEATER_BED RS DigiKey Mouser
为上述准备的电缆接头 2 RS DigiKey Mouser
为上述准备的压接接触件 4 RS DigiKey Mouser
加热器插座替换元件:2针螺丝接线端 2 HEATER_EXT, HEATER_BED Reichelt DigiKey Mouser
磁盘电源插座 2 CONN2, CONN3 Reichelt RS DigiKey Mouser 请参阅DIY 4 pin molex connector
ATX24电源插座 1 CONN1 RS DigiKey Mouser Molex Mini-Fit 44206-0007. Also known as VAL-U-LOK (20 or 24 Pins).
Pololu用散热器 4 Reichelt Völkner RS
散热器胶(Heatsink Glue) 1 Reichelt Völkner 为Pololu散热。将其切成合适的大小。Loctite(之类的)螺旋形胶也很好用。


Generation 7 Electronics 使用TTL串行与主机通信。由于很多现代PC机缺乏串行通讯口,可能需要一个合适的USB-TTL电缆:

USB-TTL电缆 DigiKey Mouser Adafruit Industries MAKE Store MakerBot Industries Watterott


USB-TTL电路板 Watterott Sparkfun
为上述准备的线缆 Watterott

另一个替代方案是:E'go USB-TTL适配器, 参见下面的说明和限制


Pololu stepper driver boards Pololu stepper driver boards
开源替代品 StepStick


  • 为了确定各元件的安放位置,将布局图放到PC屏幕上。
  • PCB的焊接使用泰森多边形法路径(Voronoi paths),需要温度更高。因此将你的电烙铁温度调高20摄氏度。
  • 从最平坦的元件开始。通常是飞线或者电阻器。这样当你用PCB板正面位置放置焊接的时候元件不至于被碰落。然后再焊接更高的元件。通常接插件最后焊接。
  • 元件列表正是按照这个顺序排列的。您可以按照此顺序依次组装(焊接)。
  • 为了能够更容易的焊接跳线接头,可以在插入元件前涂一点万能胶(cyanacrylate glue,译者注:氰基丙烯酸酯可能有毒,请注意防护。)。由于PCB板是单面的,胶水不会伤害到焊接点。
  • 100uH 电感(coil)看上去就像一个电阻,只是比电阻粗一点,带有综-黑-综的色环。
  • 由于8针的Pololu插座比较贵,不少套装会选择价格更低的10针插座,然后切掉两个针脚。
  • 当焊接这些插座的时候,插入一个Pololu来确保对齐。

小心:仅有在 电源检查后才可以焊接MOSFET管或插入ATmega芯片。








Generation 7 Electronics 有两个选项来满足机器的电源需求。

Gen7 v1.4 Power Options.jpeg





注意: ATX24 插座向后兼容ATX20插头。因此如果您的电源在使用ATX20插头,请插入合适的位置上(不要用蛮力。译者注:会有四针空着)。旧规格电源完全可以正常应用在本设备上:

Gen7 ATX20 in ATX24.jpeg






Gen7 v1.4 Power Selection.jpeg


  • ATX20/ATX24: 建议选项1。
  • Disk Power: 建议选项2。




Gen7 v1.4 Power Checks.jpeg
  • 红色:无论任何选项下,电源已经接入时。在选项1的情况下,电源尚未激活。
  • 蓝色:同上,电源已激活,或者在选项2的情况下。



  1. 没有冒烟?很好:)
  2. 右下角的黄色LED被点亮?非常好。
  3. 如果您选择了选项1,按图示中绿色标记所示,短接ATmega插座右上角针脚和旁边的跳线,电源应该被激活。
  4. 同时,右下角的绿色LED应该也被点亮。
  5. 如果你有电压表,可以按照图示测量一下电压。点代表飞线,箭头代表针脚。
  6. 检查ATmega插座每个针脚的电压。除了几个标记了5伏的管脚外,其他都应当不超过0.5伏。5伏管脚包括9、10、21、30、39和40(逆时针,从左下角开始数)。
  7. 检查靠下一行的Pololu的管脚。他们都不应当超过0.5伏。




Gen7 v1.3 Semiconductors.jpeg


  • 完全断开电源。
  • 两个MOSFET管外形一样,但是它们类型不同。请确定标记了 IRFZ 44N 的更接近 Pololu 插座,标记了 IRLB 8743 的更接近主板边缘。
  • 焊接时MOSFET管平坦一面朝主板中心。由于工作时会有大电流通过,一定要上足焊锡。
  • 将ATmega插入插座。跟其他相同封装的集成电路一样,在元件的一端有一个凹槽。这个凹槽要朝向MOSFET管,另一端朝向ATX24电源插座。正确插入后,您可以从ATX24一侧看到(ATmega元件上)正印的文字(型号标识)。

准备您的Arduino IDE

  • 下载并解压/安装Arduino IDE。您需要v1.0或者更新的版本。如果您坚持使用v0023或者早期版本,参见 Gen7 v1.3.1 instructions,但是与早期版本一起的avrdude无法将程序写入ATmega1284P。
  • 下载并解压 Gen7 Arduino IDE Support 2.0 package
  • 在包里找到文件夹 Gen7 并挪动到 Arduino包中的 hardware 目录下。在Gen7 Arduino IDE Support包中有安装说明供参考。
  • 启动您的Arduino IDE。
  • 在菜单 -> Tools -> Board,从六个新条目中选择您的Gen7主板。他们在处理器类型和时钟频率上有区别。
  • 在菜单 -> Tools -> Serial Port,选择正确的串口/com端口。

注意:对于Linux/Unix用户,如果您使用package manager安装,可能要找到arduino/hardward文件夹会比较困难,甚至找到后拷贝文件进去也会有问题。您可以从您的用户主目录中找到 "sketchbook" 文件夹,在其中建立文件夹 "hardware",然后将Gen7 support文件夹放入其中。文件夹 "sketchbook" 会在您第一次运行IDE时创建。


如果您的ATmega是跟Gen7套装一起的,那么bootloader应该已经上传好了。其他的bootloader,诸如 SanguinoRAMPSSanguinololu或者其他什么都可以。

如果您是从厂家买到的全新的ATmega(例如您从一个元件供应商处买到的),ATmega应该不会带有bootloader。解决此问题,请参阅下面的 Bootloader上传章节





Gen7 Serial Connection With USB2TTL Breakout Board.jpeg Gen7 Serial Connection With USB2TTL Cable.jpeg







  1. 下载 SetupText.pde 文件。如果它已经在浏览器窗口中打开,请用“另存为...”保存成文件。
  2. 将您的Gen7接上电源,插入串行通讯转换器,将USB端插入计算机等等。
  3. 启动您的Arduino IDE。
  4. 在IDE中,打开 SetupTest.pde。您会看到是否创建同名文件夹的提问,请点击“Yes”。
  5. 确认在Test菜单上选择了正确的串行通讯端口,正确的主板类型。
  6. 点击“Upload"按钮开始上传(从右数第二个按钮)。


Binary sketch size: 2142 bytes (of a 63488 byte maximum)

然后串行连接线闪动几秒钟。然后提示”Done uploading."之类的信息。

Gen7 v1.3 SetupTest.png


  1. 如果您打开IDE的串口监视器,按照9600波特率监视,您将会读到ATmega正在做什么。如果你能清晰看到文本,证明串行线工作正常。
  2. 在上传完毕的3、4秒后,电源会突然开始工作,在闪动加热头HEATER1的LED灯几次后,电源会再次关闭。要看到LED闪烁,12伏电源必须是连接好了的。
  3. 在按下Reset按钮后上述反应均会出现,与IDE或者串口无关。



avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout


  • 在Arduino IDE的工具栏上点击"Verify"按钮。这样可以知道在"Binary sketch size"消息出现前需要多长时间。
  • 关键点是在该消息出现前如何去按下和放开复位按钮。在一个复位后,bootloader将等待3秒钟用于固件上传。Arduino IDE在此消息出现后立刻开尝试始上传固件。
  • 在尝试失败后,Arduino IDE通常无法停止avrdude的进程。在Linux下,终端中输入 killall avrdude 来帮助结束进程。


  • 有的时候只是USB-TTL适配器跑飞了。这时候可以简单的把适配器拔掉等几秒钟,然后重新插入PC机。从PC机一侧拔掉跟从Gen7串口一侧拔掉是完全不同的。




您可以在每一个Pololu前面的跳线上设置微步进值。请参考MS2和MS3。快速文档(allegro documents)也叫做MS1,并在Gen7板上已经直接焊接为High(跳线)。插入跳线帽为High,不查任何东西为Low。下面是Gen7


Gen7 Microstepping Jumpers.jpeg


MS2 MS3 微步进分辨率
开路 开路 半步(half step)
开路 短接 不允许!
短接 开路 1/8微步(Eighth step)
短接 短接 1/16微步(Sixteenth step)



原则上,您可以在此主板上运行任何ATmega兼容的RepRap固件。(需要)调整I/O管脚布局,调整编译选项为无附加电路板/无RS485(no secondary board/no RS485)。请参见 Gen2



Teacup 固件


  • 对您的Arduino IDE针对Gen7做一些准备,请参阅先前的解释
  • 下载Gen7 branch来取代标准下载到的文件。
  • 从那里找到 config.gen7-v1.4.h 和 ThermistorTable.double.h 并应用。

如果保持 config.h 不动,至少还得有些事情要做。作为第一个测试还没什么问题,但是对于您自己的机器可能就不够了。请进一步编辑 config.h 来匹配您的机器和配置。文件 Config.h 当中有很多注释对您很有用

处。例如,STEPS_PER_MM_X 应当设置为您所选择的微步进。

Reprap 软件始终在保持更新中。因此尽量使用最新的客户端和片上(slicing)软件。否则您有可能会导致兼容性问题。例如,早期的reprap宿主软件可能无法准确报告温度值。为宿主软件解决此问题,使用

Pronterface。使用Slic3r而不是Skeinforge,解决了使用 Teacup 固件的另一个问题,也即会永远卡在'等待目标温度'上面。

Repetier 固件

在 644 @ 20Mhz 上测试通过。关于配置和引脚文件的例子,请参见此文章。这些会很快集成到默认的固件当中。

这里有github下载页面,文档在github wiki


FiveD 固件

Gen7的早期版本对FiveD有一个可用的配置。自从引脚布局变化后,您必须自己调整。作为参考,请参阅 其它配置

Sprinter, Marlin

在Sprinter和Marlin开始兼容非16MHz电气的确有很长时间了。在写此文的时候,Marlin 和 Sprinter Experimental 应当可以工作。





INT8 (D 0) PB0  1|> Xmin  Temp_Bed {|40 PINA0 (AI 8 / D31)   (PINA0 for analog, PA0 for digital)
INT1 (D 1) PB1  2|> Ymin  Temp_Ext {|39 PINA1 (AI 1 / D30)   (PINA1 for analog, PA1 for digital)
INT2 (D 2) PB2  3|> Zmin     Xstep >|38 PA2 (AI 2 / D29)     (...)
 PWM (D 3) PB3  4|< Heat_Bed Xdir  >|37 PA3 (AI 3 / D28)
 PWM (D 4) PB4  5|< Heat_Ext Ystep >|36 PA4 (AI 4 / D27)
MOSI (D 5) PB5  6|           Ydir  >|35 PA5 (AI 5 / D26)
MIS0 (D 6) PB6  7|           MotEn >|34 PA6 (AI 6 / D25)
 SCK (D 7) PB7  8|                  |33 PA7 (AI 7 / D24)
           RST  9|                  |32 AREF            
           VCC 10|                  |31 GND            
           GND 11|                  |30 AVCC            
         XTAL2 12|           Zstep >|29 PC7 (D 23)      
         XTAL1 13|           Zdir  >|28 PC6 (D 22)      
RX0 (D 8)  PD0 14|                  |27 PC5 (D 21) TDI  
TX0 (D 9)  PD1 15|                  |26 PC4 (D 20) TDO  
RX1 (D 10) PD2 16|           Estep >|25 PC3 (D 19) TMS  
TX1 (D 11) PD3 17|           Edir  >|24 PC2 (D 18) TCK  
PWM (D 12) PD4 18|                  |23 PC1 (D 17) SDA  
PWM (D 13) PD5 19|                  |22 PC0 (D 16) SCL  
PWM (D 14) PD6 20|           PwrEn >|21 PD7 (D 15) PWM  
功能 ATmega 名称 Teacup FiveD 固件中的方向
X 步进 PA2 DIO29 29 数字输出
X 方向 PA3 DIO28 28 数字输出
X Min PB0 DIO0 0 数字输入
Y 步进 PA4 DIO27 27 数字输出
Y 方向 PA5 DIO26 26 数字输出
Y Min PB1 DIO1 1 数字输入
Z 步进 PC7 DIO23 23 数字输出
Z 方向 PC6 DIO22 22 数字输出
Z Min PB2 DIO2 2 数字输入
挤出步进 PC3 DIO19 19 数字输出
挤出方向 PC2 DIO18 18 数字输出
电源使能 PD7 DIO15 15 漏极开路输出, active low
电机使能 PA6 DIO25 25 数字输出
加热器 1 PB4 DIO4 4 数字输出
加热器 2 PB3 DIO3 3 数字输出
温度 1 PA0 PINA0 0 模拟输入
温度 2 PA1 PINA1 1 模拟输入


  • 最大行程终点被取消。
  • 最小行程终点现在为 PB0 / PB1 / PB2。
  • 步进电机顺序反转(由原来的E Z Y X 变为 X Y Z E)。
  • All pins on the analog port one to the left (pin number - 1).

本次提交的 Teacup 固件易可帮助升级其他固件。





  1. 制作一个3线的电缆,长度可以从Gen7够到X轴终端即可,在其中一端焊接接头。
  2. 将插头插入Gen7的X轴终端检测插座上。这个插座最接近MOSFET管。
  3. 连上您的Teacup,发送M200.这应当会启动您的电源,告诉终端检测当前的状态。
  4. 当电源开始工作,使用电压计找到5伏导线,对中心线(地线)测量电压。
  5. 第三根线是信号线。
  6. 根据需要制作其他终端检测的接头。
  7. 吧所有接头都接好,然后持续发送M200来检测终端检测装置。可以使用一个卡片遮挡光电检测的光线进行测试。
  8. 如果当没有卡片遮挡的时候M200报告"1",您可能就得将终端检测的信号翻转。在Teacup中,您可以在config.h文件中切换X_INVERT_MIN的注释。做完更改后需要重新上传固件。
  9. 到此X轴终端检测就做完了,重复完成Y轴和Z轴。
Gen7 v1.4 Endstop Connection.jpeg






步进布线(Stepper Wiring)



Sanguinololu wiki page上详细描述了怎样通过测量电压来调整步进驱动。


  1. 同一时间只调整一个轴向。
  2. 确定在关闭电源的情况下轴向可以用手轻松移动。如果机械方面无法移动,此处没有任何文档可以帮助。
  3. 将微调筒逆时针转到头。
  4. 将微调筒顺时针转1/8圈。
  5. 给固件发送移动该电机的指令。首先用低速(G1 F50),然后快一点。
  6. 如果马达只是有声音,但是不见移动,或者如果你发现它缺步,将微调筒顺时针再转1/8圈。情况应当会好一些。
  7. 当你找到了再也不缺步的位置,将微调筒继续旋转1/8圈并置为安全边界。
  8. 完成。重复上述动作调整其他轴向。



  • If something doesn't work on one axis, but works fine on another, change motors or stepper drivers with a working axis and try again. This helps finding defective parts. All axes are electronically the same, so you can swap stuff to your heart's content.
  • If a motor moves in one direction only, either the endstop part of your 固件's configuration doesn't match hardware or the DIR pin doesn't get a signal. The DIR pin is the rightmost in the lower row of the stepper driver header and can be measured with a voltage meter. It should change between 0 V and 5 V when changing direction.
  • If a stepper moves the wrong direction, you can change the direction by swapping both pins of one motor coil in the connector. For example, ABCD becomes ABDC. Another way is to invert the direction in your 固件 configuration, of course. Both methods work equally well.
  • If there is no sign of movement at all, check wether the ENABLE pin goes low when attempting a movement. 0 V = steppers enabled, 5 V = steppers disabled. It's the leftmost pin in the lower row of the stepper driver header.
  • If a motor starts to move, but has repeated dropouts, each of which lasts about half a second, the stepper driver chip apparently overheats and runs into it's thermal protection. Add a heatsink, attach a fan or reduce motor current, depending on your situation.
  • If your stepper drivers and/or motors warm up while there is no movement ongoing: that's normal. 步进电机 suck the most energy while powered up, but at stillstand.

Extruder, Heated Bed

An extruder and a heated bed are pretty much the same from the electronics point of view. Both have a temperature sensor as well as a heating element, which are -- in the electronics view -- independent from each other. So please read on in the following two sections.


This one is simple, too. The 热敏电阻 has only two wires and it doesn't matter which way you connect them. As of Gen7 v1.4 the 热敏电阻 runs on standby power, so you can see the current temperature at any time.

注意: Make sure there is no electrical connection between 热敏电阻 and heater wires. Heaters typically run at 12 V, even when turned off, which would blow the ATmega input pin. Usually, neither wire of the 热敏电阻 nor one of the heater wires are connected to the metal housing of an extruder, so you have double safety.

It doesn't matter which of both 热敏电阻 connector you use you use for what, as long as it matches your 固件 configuration. The circuitry for both 热敏电阻s is the same, just the label in the PCB layout and the ATmega pin is different. So, if your extruder temperature is reported as bed temperature, you can solve this bei either swapping the pin mapping, or by swapping the connectors.

To test the 热敏电阻, connect it. Then send M105 repeatedly while warming up the thing with your fingers. Likely it isn't exactly accurate at room temperature, but it should react to the warming.

Gen7 v1.4 Thermistor Connection.jpeg

注意: Gen7 can do quite accurate temperature measurements, if you make your own temperature table. On how to do this and on why this might be not neccessary, see the long comment in Teacup's ThermistorTable.double.h.

Troubleshooting the 热敏电阻

  • If the temperature readout is zero, you likely have configured the wrong pin in your 固件 or a broken 热敏电阻 wiring.
  • Unplug the 热敏电阻 and measure it's resistance at the connector. At room temperature, it should have it's nominal value (10 kΩ / 100 kΩ / 200 kΩ).
  • A short in the 热敏电阻 wiring results in a very high temperature readout, like 800 °C.


This one is simple, too. The heater is a 电阻 without polarity, so connect both wires to the two connector pins. To get it working, you also have to have the corresponding MOSFET soldered in.

注意: If you start heating for the first time, make sure the corresponding temperature readout raises, too. In case you map your heater to the wrong 热敏电阻, the 固件 won't notice the temperature raise and won't stop heating when the desired temperature is reached, eventually leading to destruction. To stop a run-away heater, press the reset button.

注意: Especially heated beds run with a lot of current, so make sure your connectors are clean. Dirt here means a poor electrical connection, heating up or even melting the connector.

Testing the heater:

  • Send M104 S50 to command the extruder heater to reach 50 °C.
  • Watch the corresponding MOSFET's LED lighting up. It's brightness gives a hint to the current PWM value used.
  • Send M105 repeatedly to watch the temperature raising.
  • As the temperature reaches about 50 °C, the LED should go darker and the temperature raise should stop.
  • Send M104 S0 to stop the heater. The LED should go dim or off, the extruder should cool down.
  • Do the same for the heated bed, if you have one. Heated bed temperature is set with M140.
Gen7 v1.4 Heater Connection.jpeg

Troubleshooting a Heater

  • Does your temperature readout work, i.e. does it initially read something like room temperature instead of some unreasonable value? Most 固件s have a protection built in to heat only if they have reasonable confidence temperature measurement is working.
  • Can you measure 12 V on the lower connector pin when the power supply is turned on? If not, the lower Molex 4-pin connector delivers no juice on the 12 V rail.
  • Does the LED light up, at least dimly? If not, the MOSFET is either blown, gets no signal from the ATmega or there is no 12 V supply.
  • An entirely disconnected signal pin, i.e. due to a 固件 misconfiguration, usually results in a dimly lighted LED, too. MOSFETs are sensitive enough to turn on partly by picking up random electromagnetic noise.
  • The signal can be measured with a voltage meter on the 10 Ω 电阻 right next to the MOSFET. The higher the PWM value, the closer the (average) signal should be to 5 V.


This part describes possible modifcations for advanced users only.


While it's very practical to use 12 volts as they come out of the power supply, Gen7 is prepared for other voltages, too. Even better, you can supply different voltages for motors and heaters.

Possible usages:

  • 12 V for the heaters, 24  for the motors. This will still allow to use standard Reprap heating elements for the extruder and heated bed, while the motors can now run faster. Motor supply voltage is only limited by the Pololus and can go up to 35 volts.
  • 12 V for the motors, 5 V for the heaters. This whould wear your power supply more evenly.
  • 12 V for the motors, 3.3 V for something like EDM or inductive heated nozzles. Remember, the IRFZ44N can switch pretty fast, and the ATmega has frequency/PWM generators on board.
  • ...

On where to supply what, see the picture above. Simply rewire the disk power connectors to your needs and make sure all power sources contact at least one GND pin, to give them a common ground.

The 5 volts on the upper disk power connector is not needed if you use the ATX20/24 connector, but don't supply there a different voltage, or a voltage from a different power supply, either.

Hooking up a Fan

Using a SevenSwitch, you can connect a fan/blower, too. Either by connecting it to two of the extension board pins (one for signal, one for GND), or by fetching these two pins from the ICSP header. Paoparts did the latter and documented it here (french with pictures and code snippets):

Ventilateur pour l’extrudeur, commandé par la GEN7 avec Teacup.

Serial Connection

If you want a custom solution, you can create one, of course. Just connecting an RS-232 port to the serial connector won't work, however, even if you ignored the different voltage levels. ATmega's serial signal is inverted (Logical 0 = 5V, Logical 1 = 0V). Here's the serial connector's pinout:

Gen7 Serial Pinout.png


1 2 3 4 5 6
GND CTS (set to GND) (+5 Volts) RxD TxD Reset

RxD is ATmega's pin 14 (data to the chip); TxD is ATmega's pin 15 (data from the chip).

Pin 3 has 5 V on most USB-TTL adapters, but is unconnected on the board. Feeding in 5 V here would conflict with the (slightly different) 5 V from the ATX power supply.

Pin 6 is usually connected to the serial line's RTS. This triggers a reset each time you start a connection to the ATmega and is very convenient when uploading 固件 - no pressing of the reset button needed, then. Arduinos have this hardwired. If you keep pin 6 free, press the reset button each time your IDE (avrdude) attempts an upload.

使用E'go USB-TTL适配器

This converter is cheap, uses the Silicon Labs CP2102 chip and basically works:

E'go USB-TTL Converter on Gen7.jpeg


Gen7 GND (Pin 1) +5 Volts (Pin 3) RxD (Pin 4) TxD (Pin 5)
USB-TTL adapter GND (Pin 5) +5 Volts (Pin 6) TxD (Pin 3) RxD (Pin 4)

Important here is to not connect both Reset pins.

What you can't get is auto-reset. So you have to press the reset button when uploading a 固件.

Suppliers of this adapter


注意: this section only applies if you have a blank, factory fresh ATmega on your board. Friendly Gen7 vendors will do these steps for you before shipping, so you don't need a programmer.

This section describes how to program the boot loader using a programmer. These programmers usually cost some $20 to $30. An even cheaper option is to build a bit banging

parallel port adapter. Another alternative is to use an Arduino or other prepared AVR board as a programmer.

注意: This process can be done on a partially populated board. Only the power, ocillator, reset and programming connections need to be ready.

How to proceed:

  • Disconnect all connectors, including the power supply.
  • Insert the ATmega644 into its socket. Make sure you orient it correctly, the small notch on the package is inserted at the heater connector side of the PCB, and the part markings can be read when viewed from the ATX20 connector side.
  • Connect your programmer. Verify it is plugged in correctly.
  • Plug in the PC side of the programmer.
  • Re-connect one power supply, do not turn it on yet.

注意: The pins used for the programmer are shared and can conflict with an extension board, so if you have one, unplug it while using the programmer or be sure there is no conflict.

Now you should see something like this - the red LED indicates the Board is still without power:

Gen7 Programmer Setup.jpeg

Programming the bootloader using the command line

  • Have your Arduino IDE prepared for Gen7, as explained above.
  • Switch on your power supply, at least one of the power source indicators should illuminate.
  • Open a terminal and change directory into Arduino IDE's folder. All required tools are there, even if you haven't installed them system-wide.

The following sequence was done on Linux and should apply similarly on other OSs.

cd hardware/tools
./avrdude -C ./avrdude.conf -c ?  # find your programmer, e.g. "avrispv2"

### For the ATmega644:
# write fuses
./avrdude -C ./avrdude.conf -c <your programmer> -p atmega644 -P /dev/ttyACM0 \
    -B 5 -U lfuse:w:0xF7:m -U hfuse:w:0xDC:m -U efuse:w:0xFC:m
# upload bootloader
./avrdude -C ./avrdude.conf -c <your programmer> -p atmega644 -P /dev/ttyACM0 \
    -B 1 -U flash:w:../Gen7/bootloaders/Gen7/bootloader-<your variant>.hex
# lock the bootloader
# this gives an expected "verification error 0xcf != 0x0f"
./avrdude -C ./avrdude.conf -c <your programmer> -p atmega644 -P /dev/ttyACM0 \
    -B 1 -U lock:w:0xCF:m

### For the ATmega644P:
# like above, but swap "-p atmega644" with "-p atmega644p"

### For the ATmega1284P:
# like above, but swap "-p atmega644" with "-p atmega1284p"

### For an USB programmer:
# like above, but swap "-P /dev/ttyACM0" with "-P usb" 

Watch your programmer blinking for a few seconds and you're done. Note that if you're using an Arduino board as a programmer, you may need to add the flag "-b 19200" for it to work correctly.


On Windows, you'll have to find out which COM port your board is connected to. Or simply try COM1 ... COM8 until it works. Similarly to the above, the commands on Windows are:

cd hardware\tools\avr\bin
avrdude -C ..\..\etc\avrdude.conf -c ?  # find your programmer, e.g. "avrispv2"

### For the ATmega644:
# write fuses
avrdude -C ..\..\etc\avrdude.conf -c <your programmer> -p atmega644 -P COM1 \
   -B 5 -U lfuse:w:0xF7:m -U hfuse:w:0xDC:m -U efuse:w:0xFC:m
# upload bootloader
avrdude -C ..\..\etc\avrdude.conf -c <your programmer> -p atmega644 -P COM1 \
    -B 1 -U flash:w:..\..\..\Gen7\bootloaders\Gen7\bootloader-<your variant>.hex
# lock the bootloader
# this gives an expected "verification error 0xcf != 0x0f"
avrdude -C ..\..\etc\avrdude.conf -c <your programmer> -p atmega644 -P COM1 \
    -B 1 -U lock:w:0xCF:m 

### For the ATmega644P:
# like above, but swap "-p atmega644" with "-p atmega644p"

### For the ATmega1284P:
# like above, but swap "-p atmega644" with "-p atmega1284p"

Watch your programmer blinking for a few seconds and you're done.

Programming the bootloader using the Arduino IDE

Many programmers don't use the USB protocol directly, but an internal USB-TTL converter. So far there was no luck uploading the bootloader with these from Arduino IDE's graphical user interface.

Debugging hint: Arduino obviously doesn't attempt to use the "-B 5" flag when writing fuses onto a factory fresh chip. This is needed if the programmer was set to a higher speed earlier, as an ATmega running at 1 MHz (factory default) can't keep up with 115200 baud.

Arduino IDE and a USBtinyISP
  • Disconnect all connectors, including the power supply.
  • Remove jumper No.3 from the USBtinyISP programmer.
  • Plug in the USB cable to the USBtinyISP.
  • Plug the 6 pin cable from the USBtinyISP into your Gen 7 Electronics. Again, watch out for insertion of the plug the right way.
  • Re-connect the power supply and turn on.
  • Start up Arduino IDE.
  • Select the correct ATmega chip you are using in the Tools->Board menu.
  • Do not select a COM/Serial port.
  • Select Tools->Burn Bootloader->w/USBtinyISP

The USBtinyISP red LED should light up. It will take a minute or two to program the chip When it is done, the IDE will tell you it has completed and the red LED will turn off.


One user had a power supply delivering just 4.5 volts in standby. That's tight, because at 4.3 V the brown-out detector jumps in and resets the board.

To deal with this, you can change the extended fuse from 0xFC to 0xFD. This sets the brown-out detector's trigger level lower, to 2.7 V. While the ATmega will run out of specification for short periods of time, then, this is obviously better than random brownout resets or no brown-out detector at all.


./avrdude -C ./avrdude.conf -c <your programmer> -p atmega644p -P /dev/ttyACM0 -n -v