This page is the authoritative list of active firmwares.
For a list of out-of-date firmwares, see List of Abandoned and Deprecated Firmware:
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Name : Klipper
Author(s) : KevinOConnor
Status : Active as of September 2024
Firmware that runs all calculations on a host and has the MCU execute steps at specified times
- High precision stepper movement.
- High step rates even on 8bit.
- Kinematics algorithms, the G-code parsing, and more are in Python.
- Multiple microcontrollers supported on single printer.
- Configuration via single file, no need to flash MCU.
- Host software can run on Raspberry Pi.
- Supports Cartesian, Delta, and CoreXY. Adding more only requires changes to Python code.
Compatible Electronics
- ARM, AVR, and PRU (portable code to make adding more easier.)
- Example configs for:
How to download
Can download like this:
git clone
Documentation & Misc. Notes
Documentation on GitHub:
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Name : Prusa Firmware
Author(s) : Prusa Research
Status : Active as of September 2024
Prusa Firmware is provided by Prusa Research for Prusa printers. It is a fork of Marlin which has been highly tailored for Prusa FDM 3D printers.
- Planner lookahead to maintain fast motion.
- High stepping rate, ideally 20KHz or higher
- Interrupt-based movement with real linear acceleration
- Interrupt-based temperature protection
- Pressure Advance extrusion
- Endstops support
- SD Card support with sub-folders and long filenames
- 20x4 Character LCD support
- LCD Menu with Encoder Wheel
- Persistent storage (EEPROM) for configurable settings
- Temperature oversampling
- Dynamic Temperature setpointing aka "AutoTemp"
- Heater power reporting for PID monitors
Compatible Electronics
How to download
Can download like this: ?
Documentation & Misc. Notes
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Name : Marlin
Author(s) : Erik van der Zalm: Active as of February 2014; Bernhard Kubicek: Active as of November 2011
Status : Active as of September 2024
Development on this firmware appears to be very active. Forked from Sprinter and Grbl.
- Multi-platform (AVR, SAM, LPC, STM32, ESP32, Teensy, BCM283x, BCM2711B0, etc.)
- Configurable for a wide variety of machines
- Interrupt-based temperature protection
- Planner lookahead to maintain fast motion.
- High stepping rate, ideally 20KHz or higher
- Interrupt-based movement with real linear acceleration
- Optimized S-curve acceleration
- Junction Deviation for smooth direction changes
- Linear Advance extrusion. (For more info see: this reprap-dev mailing list message.)
- Endstops support, enhanced for interruptible pins
- Endstop trigger reporting to the host software.
- SD Card support with sub-folders and long filenames
- Host interaction
- LCDs / Controllers: Character, Graphical, and Serial (Ideally 20x4, but 16x4 and 20x2 are supported.)
- LCD Menu with Encoder Wheel or Keypad for standalone SD card printing.
- Persistent storage (EEPROM, Flash, SD) for configurable settings
- Arc and Bezier Curve support in 3 planes
- Temperature oversampling
- Dynamic Temperature setpointing aka "AutoTemp"
- Heater power reporting for PID monitors
- CoreXY and Delta support.
Compatible Electronics
How to download
The latest release of Marlin can always be found at
All Marlin release and development branches are hosted on Github.
Documentation & Misc. Notes
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Name : Repetier
Author(s) : Repetier
Status : v1.0.3 (Active as February 2019, with v 2.x in development)
forked from Sprinter.
- RAMP acceleration support.
- Path planning (look ahead) for higher print speeds. (since version 0.32, 2011/9/24)
- Fast ooze prevention system. (since version 0.35, 2011/10/8)
- Trajectory smoothing for smoother lines. (since version 0.32, 2011/9/24)
- Nozzle pressure control for improved print quality with RAMPS. (since version 0.32, 2011/9/24)
- Fast - 16000 Hz and more stepper frequency is possible with a 16 MHz AVR. (since version 0.32, 2011/9/24)
- Multiple extruder supported (experimental).
- Standard ASCII and improved binary (Repetier protocol) communication.
- Autodetect the command protocol, so it will work with any host software.
- Continuous monitoring of one temperature.
- Important parameters are stored in EEPROM and can easily modified without recompilation of the firmware.
- Stepper control is handled in an interrupt routine, leaving time for filling caches for next move.
- PID control for extruder temperature.
- Interrupt based sending buffer (Arduino library normally waits for the recipient to receive written data)
- Small RAM memory print, resulting in large caches.
- Supports SD-cards.
- mm and inches can be used for G0/G1
- Works with Skeinforge 41, all unknown commands are ignored.
- Dry run : Execute your GCode without using the extruder. This way you can test for non-extruder related failures without actually printing.
- User defined and generic thermistor table( just set r0,t0,beta,r1,r2) in config (since version 0.31).
- LCD support
Compatible Electronics
How to download
github code
Documentation & Misc. Notes
github wiki
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Name : RepRap Firmware
Author(s) : DC42 and Chrishamm(active) Adrian Bowyer (initial)
Status : DC42 and Chrishamm forks active as of September 2024
RepRapFirmware is intended to be a fully object-oriented highly modular control program for a wide variety of machine kinematics
Compatible Electronics
How to download
Documentation & Misc. Notes
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Name : Smoothie
Author(s) : Jim Morris, Arthur Wolf, Mark Cooper, Triffid Hunter, and an army of others
Status : Active as of September 2024
Firmware for 32-bit ARM NXP LPC1768 Cortex-M3 boards (includes a port of Grbl)
- Ethernet
- USB composite
- Easy configuration without compilation
- Digital current control
- Fast an "near-perfect" step generation and acceleration
- Support for laser and CNC milling also
- Extremely complete documentation
- Large and active community
- Stepper extruder
- Extruder speed control
- Movement speed control
- Heated build platforms
- SD card support
Compatible Electronics
How to download
Can download like this:
git clone
Documentation & Misc. Notes
Further reading