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Ponoko RepRap - Fitting The Bed and Z Chain


With the outer framework in place, we can now add the Deposition bed. This comes in two pieces; a Bed Frame and the Adjustable Bed. These are held together under tension and can be adjusted so that the actual deposition surface is kept parallel to the Extruder Nozzle. The lasercut Adjustable Bed can be made of MDF, 8mm clear acrylic - which really needs covering with hardboard - or cardboard. Do not deposit on the cardboard bed if you have one; it is intended for use as a template to cut your own Adjustable Bed with.

  • 3 8mm i/d short compression springs

Fastening the bed down requires the following fastenings:

  • 12 off M5 25mm machine screws
  • 12 off M5 nuts
  • 24 off M5 washers

Apologies to "early adopters," as your Bed Frame may be a tight fit - the jig used to space the frame was a little short initially. You can compensate by using M3 25mm machine screws instead of M5 ones as long as you have big enough washers to cover the mounting holes.

Do not fit the Z Opto Flag yet. It is easily broken and we'll wait until it is necessary.

Now you can move on to the fitting of the X Axis.

-- Main.VikOlliver - 28 Nov 2008

  • Parts for attching the Bed to the Frame:
  • Screw fixed to Bed Frame:
  • Deposition Bed forxed to Frame:
  • Bits to anchor bed to Z Axis.:
  • Anchoring bed with M3 screws:
  • Tools to grip and cut chain with:
  • Locating where to cut chain:
  • Making the chain slack:
  • Filing the face flat - do not saw it.:
  • Chain face filed flat, ready to tin:
  • One way of holding chain together for soldering:
  • Finished tensioned chain.: